SAP Integration Command
- Updated: 2020/07/28
Automation Anywhere allows you to automate tasks and processes on your SAP system using the SAP Integration command.
You can use this solution to automate tasks in a SAP environment through front end, back end, and business rules to achieve optimum results.
- Reduce the time required to combine data from disparate systems
- Eliminate human error and increase efficiency
- Increase the number of transactions processed
- Deliver real-time information to various stakeholders
- Enhance decision making through comprehensive reports
To learn more, search for the Get More From SAP: Process Automation Involving SAP Integration course in Automation Anywhere University: RPA Training and Certification (A-People login required).
License requirements
You do not need a separate license to automate tasks in an SAP system. However, you must have SAP connector for Microsoft .Net (NCo to connect to an SAP system.
If you get SAP connector DLL not found error when connecting to the SAP server, see SAP Integration - Connect Command Gives The 'SAP Connector DLL Not Found' Error (A-People login required).
SAP automation methods
You can use any of the following methods to automate a task or process in the SAP system:
MetaBotMetaBot leverages SAP's VB scripting in the GUI and can be used to automate various tasks such as reading from fields, entering data in fields, and exporting tables to a CSV file. MetaBot also provides the ability to automate offline, which allows you to capture screens from the SAP and automate a task. This feature is useful when the access to an SAP system is for a limited period. See Using MetaBot to automate a task in SAP.
Automation Anywhere provides various SAP integration commands to integrate with SAP's standard APIs. You can use this integration method when GUI scripting is not enabled in an SAP system or you do not want to automate using the GUI. See Enterprise 11: Using BAPI to automate tasks in SAP.
You can also use keystrokes to automate a task on an SAP system. This method uses the structured and consistent layout of SAP GUI to create automation solutions. You use this method when the GUI scripting is not enabled, and SAP plug-in is not installed.
- Capture objects from SAP applications such as text boxes, combo boxes, buttons, and so on.
- Perform various actions on the captured objects such as click, set text, and
so on.
See Using GUI Automation.