Scheduling Tasks to Run
- Updated: 2020/05/06
After creating an automated task, you can schedule the tasks to run based on a schedule or on a trigger event.
.Users with an Attended Bot Runner license can no longer create, edit, or delete schedules using the Enterprise Client. Task Bots already scheduled by the same user or a different user from the same machine will continue to be executed based on the previously defined schedule.
In Enterprise editions 10.0 & 10.1, Bot Creators - Client users with task creation privileges can only test run the tasks using the 'One Time Only' schedule option. However, Bot Runners - Client users with run time privileges, can continue to schedule tasks using various options if using Enterprise edition 10.2. and above. Refer to Scheduling Tasks in Bot Creator or Bot Runner.
Scheduling Tasks
Automation Anywhere provides a Scheduler and a Schedule Manager that you can use to run your tasks anytime you want.
Scheduling Tasks Using the Scheduler
The Automation Anywhere Scheduler provides time-based scheduling capabilities. You can schedule tasks to run on particular days, weeks, or months of the year.
For more information on the Scheduler, see Schedule.
Viewing Task Schedules Using the Schedule Manager
The Schedule Manager enables you to view, add, or edit the schedules of tasks that you have created.
For more information on the Schedule Manager, see Using the Schedule Manager.
Scheduling Tasks Using Triggers
To run a task based on a trigger event, use the Trigger tab on main Automation Anywhere window.
Some examples of events that can trigger a task to run include when:
- A new window opens
- A specific file is created
- A file is deleted
- An email is received in a particular in-box
For more information about using triggers, see Using the Trigger Manager
Scheduling Tasks to Use Auto-Login
You can enable the Auto-Login option when you schedule a task to run.
- Select .
- Select the check box Auto Login your computer when the task runs. This enables applying Auto Login to all of your tasks.
- Select a task and go to the Schedule tab.
- Enter the required parameters and click Save:
- Enter the username and password in the Schedule Task window. Click Save. Optionally, click Always use above credentials to schedule and run tasks or Enable Auto Login.
Refer Scheduling Tasks to Run for details.
- To turn off Auto-Login, click Enable Auto-Login your computer when the task runs check box. . Under the Auto Login option, deselect the
- If an error occurs while a task is running, Automation Anywhere returns the computer to its previous state, regardless of other tasks waiting to process.
Enabling Bypass Legal Disclaimer *
The feature is available for use, when you select Auto Login your computer when the task runs option. If you want to bypass the security measures and automatically log on, enable Bypass legal disclaimer.