Enterprise 11: Audit events list

Review the list of audit events to identify the type of audit entries that are logged in the Control Room.

List of audit events

The following table shows the list of Audit entries with their description:
Audit entries Description
AD group mapping created This action is logged when the user creates an AD Role Mapping
AD group mapping deleted This action is logged when the user deletes an AD Role Mapping
AD group mapping updated This action is logged when the user updates an AD Role Mapping
AD sync conflict role This action is logged when the user roles cannot be synched due to conflict roles
AD sync empty role This action is logged when the user roles cannot be synched with empty roles
AD sync role system assigned This action is logged when new AD roles are assigned with sync operations
AD sync role system deleted This action is logged when AD roles are deleted with sync operations
AD sync role system updated Not applicable
Activate automation This action is logged when the user activates the Schedule
Add MFA token This action is logged when the user configures an MFA token.
Add Manual Dependency This action is logged when the user adds Manual Dependency to a bot
Add credential This action is logged when the user performs the Create Credential operation
Add locker This action is logged when the user performs the Create Locker operation.
Allocate License This action is logged when the user creates a user with a particular license (such as Bot Creator or Bot Runner) and when the user changes the license from Bot Creator to Bot Runner and vice versa.
Audit error Not applicable
Audit migration finished This action is logged when migration is completed
Audit migration started This action is logged when migration is started
BI Add User Dashboard BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Copy Dashboard BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Delete Dashboard BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Delete User Dashboard BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI End Task BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Get Task Data BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Get User Dashboards BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Operations BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Register Dashboard BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Run Data BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Save Dashboard BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Search Dashboard BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Start Task BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
BI Update Dashboard BI is not enabled to log the audit entries in 11.x
Bot Runner Session This action is logged when the bot is deployed with the Bot Runner Session check
Bot Runner Session Continued This action is logged when the bots are deployed back-to-back on the same machine with the Bot Runner Session check.
Bot Runner Session Released This action is logged when the bot is deployed with the Bot Runner Session check, the check is completed, and the RDP session is closed
Bot Store - Download bots finished This action is logged when the user clicks the download option on the Bot Store - My Downloads page and the process to download the bots in the Control Room repository finishes
Bot Store - Download bots started This action is logged when the user clicks the download option on the Bot Store - My Downloads page and the process to download the bots in the Control Room repository starts
Bot Store - Login This action is logged when the user logs in to the Bot Store with valid credentials
Callback Request This action is logged when the bot is deployed with the API Input Variables and Callback URL
Change database password This action is logged when the user changes the password (successfully or unsuccessfully) from the Settings page
Change settings This action is logged when the user changes any setting such as On to Off or Off to On
Checkout This action is logged when VCS is enabled and the bot is checked out for editing in the Enterprise Client
Client log in This action is logged when the user logs in to the Enterprise Client
Create Credential Vault Not applicable
Connect Credential Vault This action is logged in case the machine reboots or the following Automation Anywhere Control Room Service restarts when the user connects to the credential after configuration:
  • Automation Anywhere Control Room Caching
  • Automation Anywhere Control Room Service
Create Domain Not applicable
Create WorkItem This action is logged when new work items are added to a queue
Create automation This action is logged when the user creates a new schedule or runs a bot with a queue in workload management.
Create draft of queue This action is logged when the user saves the work item as draft in workload management.
Create folder This action is logged when the user creates a new folder
Create learning instance This action is logged when the user creates a new learning instance in IQ Bot
Create queue This action is logged when the user creates a new queue in workload management.
Create queue failed This action is logged when a queue creation fails
Create role This action is logged when the user creates a new role
Create user This action is logged when a new user is created
Create workItem failed This action is logged when the user fails to create work items
Deactivate automation This action is logged when the scheduled automation is deactivated
Delete MFA token This action is logged when the logged-in user deletes the MFA token from the user profile
Delete WorkItem This action is logged when the user deletes the work item from the queue
Delete automation This action is logged when the user deletes the schedule
Delete bot This action is logged when the user performs the delete bot action from the Control Room
Delete credential This action is logged when the user performs the Delete Credential operation.
Delete file This action is logged when the user deletes a file from the Control Room (for example, deleting a file from the My Scripts folder)
Delete folder This action is logged when the user deletes a folder from the Control Room
Delete learning instance This action is logged when the user deletes an existing learning instance
Delete locker This action is logged when the user deletes a locker
Delete queue This action is logged when the user deletes the queue in workload management.
Delete queue failed This action is logged when the user fails to delete a queue
Delete role This action is logged when the user deletes roles from the system
Delete user This action is logged when the user delete users from the system
Delete workItem failed This action is logged when the user fails to delete work items in a queue
Device pool created This action is logged when the user creates a new device pool
Device pool creation failed This action is logged when the user fails to create a device pool
Device pool deleted This action is logged when the user deletes a device pool