User management overview
- Updated: 2021/05/31
As a Control Room admin, you can create, view, edit, delete, and enable or disable user accounts. Creating user accounts depends on the non-Active Directory, Active Directory, or single sign-on (SSO) credentials from an IdP server.
Create users
- Create a non-Active Directory user
- Add a non-Active Directory user by assigning a role and device license. Users can create Task Bots per the roles and device license assigned to automate the required process.
- Add an Active Directory user
- Add an Active Directory (AD) user by selecting an AD domain, providing AD environment details, and assigning a role and device license. The user must be a part of the AD.
- Add user from IdP server for SSO
- The task of adding a user from the IdP server in an Control Room that is configured for single sign-on (SSO) is similar to creating an Active Directory user.
Tasks you can perform on user accounts
- View user: Opens the View user page in read-only mode
- User details, assigned roles, and general details, such as Last modified, Modified by, Object type, and User type are displayed. Additionally, you can edit the user details and enable or disable the user account.
- Edit user details: Opens the Edit user page in write mode.
- Enables you to update the user details, device login credentials, assigned roles, and device licenses. When you edit user details, a notification email is sent to the user.
- Enable/disable user: You can activate or deactivate the user account.
This option is useful when you want to temporarily restrict a user's access. When you enable or disable a user account, a notification email is sent to the user.
- Delete user: You can delete the user account.
- If a user leaves the organization or is moved to another role, you can delete the user account. This ensures that the device to which the user was added and the allocated license are freed. When you delete a user account, an email notification is sent to the user.
Search for users
- Apply a search parameter:
For ease of access, apply search parameters to the username, first name, last name, description, and user status columns.
When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using the OR operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using the AND operator.
Note: When you use special keys "-" or "_", the system lists all the usernames instead of listing only those usernames that include these parameters. -
Sort the results by column actions:
- Click a column header to sort by ascending or descending order.
Sort up to three columns at a time by holding the Shift key as you click two or more column headers. This way the sorting is done on the entire table and not just the data that is currently visible to you.
- Drag the column headers to the left or right.
- Point to the end of a column and drag it to resize.
- Click a column header to sort by ascending or descending order.
Perform actions on selected users
You can perform the following tasks by pointing to the icons at the top-right of the User table. These actions can be performed only at a table-level and not on individual items.
- Create a role with checked items
- Adds a role and assigns the selected users.
- Delete checked items
- Deletes the selected users. You cannot delete a user who is currently logged in.
- Export to CSV
- Exports the selected users in the table in CSV format.
- Refresh
- Refreshes the table and displays the latest data.
- Send a verification email
- Click this option to send a verification email to users.Note: Only administrators or users with the Create and Edit user role permissions can use this option to send the verification email.
- Customize columns
- Enables you to select the columns that you want to show or hide in the table.