Delete user
- Dernière mise à jour2020/05/05
The process to delete a user from the Control Room varies based on the user role, device status, and schedule status.
Before you delete a user, ensure the following:
- There are no active or inactive schedules associated with the user.
If the user has created schedules that are running or pending for execution, you cannot delete the user.
- There are no automation processes running on the registered user device.
- The user is not a member of lockers in the Credential Vault.
- The user does not own a queue or a device pool.
- The user is not a part of any device pool.
Important: When you delete a user from the Control Room, the bots created by the user are not deleted. Instead, the status appears as
Inactive for the bots that were uploaded by the user,
the entries in the Historical Activity page, the folders created by
the user, and so on. However, the user is removed from the User
table, and the user's license is released. The device name with which the user is
registered is removed from the My devices
When a user is deleted, Credential Vault variables associated with the user are deleted.