Enterprise 11: Enabling Version Control
- Dernière mise à jour2022/08/10
Enterprise 11: Enabling Version Control
The MetaBot Designer has an integrated feature on Version Control that allows MetaBot users to manage various versions of MetaBot and enforce controlled edits.
(Image as seen in Enterprise Client - MetaBot Designer version 10.3)
Control the versioning of MetaBots in Clients by enabling the feature from Automation Anywhere Control Room.
Using Version Control in MetaBot
To perform controlled edits to your MetaBots, use versioning to create new files, check out for edit, upload with comments and view the version history.
You can context click the MetaBot in the 'My MetaBots' list view of the Enterprise Client.
You can also perform similar operations using Actions.
Perform the operations detailed below using either context click or 'Actions'.
Edit: You can edit a MetaBot from the 'My MetaBots list' provided it has been 'Uploaded' and 'Checked Out'. On editing, you are guided to the 'Assets' view of the selected MetaBot in the MetaBot Designer. Here, you can opt to add/record screens, dll's, and add/update Logic(s).
A new MetaBot created in the local repository (of the Client) has a plus sign appended to the MetaBot name.
Check Out: A MetaBot that already exists in the Control Room repository can be checked out for editing. A check mark indicates the file is checked out for editing.
The option toggles to 'Undo Checkout' after the MetaBot is checked out for editing. This enables you to undo the last update(s) to the checked out file. Select 'Yes' to confirm:
Upload: Post editing, you can upload a MetaBot to the Control Room repository with comments. No prefixed icon/sign denotes a successful upload. This ensures that the version history can be used as a reference point by the Client. You can also opt to upload MetaBot(s) from the My MetaBots folder in the Repository.
Version History: You can view revisions to a MetaBot and if required, roll back any updates. It allows you to identify the user and relevant 'Action' that was performed during a specific 'Date and time' with relevant check in 'Comments'. Viewing version history of MetaBots
Rename: You can rename a selected MetaBot in the local repository provided it has not been checked out. Note that if you rename a MetaBot and upload to the repository, it will overwrite the existing MetaBot with the previous name. The version history will be lost in such case. See Renaming MetaBots.
Locate on Disk:
In some
cases, you might want to locate the MetaBot that is associated
with an automated task you've created.
Automation Anywhere MetaBot files have the file extension of: '.mbot'
To locate a MetaBot on your computer, follow these steps:
- In the main Automation Anywhere window, select the MetaBot in the My MetaBots List for which you want to locate the .mbot file.
- Either click the Edit menu or on the Actions button, and select 'Locate on Disk'. The MetaBot files are listed in the File Explorer.
- Locate the automation MetaBot file. The .mbot name matches the name you've assigned to the MetaBot.
- Delete: You can delete a MetaBot from the local repository provided it has not been checked out. Deleting MetaBots