Automation 360 v.29 Release Notes

Release date: 21 June 2023

Review the top 5 features in this release as well as other new features and exciting enhancements for the Automation 360 v.29 release.

  • Build 18361: Automation 360 (Cloud and Cloud-Sandbox)
  • Build 18399: Automation 360 (On-Premises)
  • Build 18371: IQ Bot (On-Premises)

We have released an updated build for a fix after the Automation 360 v.29 builds, which were On-Premises Build 18345 and Cloud-Sandbox Build 18277. For information about the fix in the updated build, see Updated release builds.

Highlights of this release

Here are the top 5 features in the v.29 release:

Center of Excellence

Accelerate your journey to automation success with CoE Manager Plus Package: Use the CoE Manager Plus Package to track and manage multiple automation programs across multiple vendors, such as Power Automate and ServiceNow, and integrate with other systems, such as Jira. Gain deeper transaction-level ROI metrics as you simultaneously recover lost productivity as stakeholders exert minimal effort to report data through business leadership dashboards and automated report creation.

See CoE Manager.

Automation lifecycle management

View and scale automation across your organization: The Automation Command Center is a personalized action center and home page where you can quickly gain a clear understanding of automation operations and device dashboards. Easily view operational details and metrics for scheduled automations, automation run statuses, and license and device utilization. With RBAC, admins can create personalized views for different types of users, including developers.

See Automation Command Center.

Resilient automation
Ensure automation is resistant to pop-ups: To minimize system pop-up interruptions that can occur during a bot run, enable the Handle unexpected pop-ups option in the Run Task Bot wizard to automatically detect and manage these pop-ups.
Note: The handle unexpected pop-ups functionality is not available as part of the standard Control Room installation (or update) and must be enabled separately. Contact your Automation Anywhere Customer Success Manager (CSM) for assistance.

See Automation resiliency.

Improve developer productivity: Use the debugger tool to troubleshoot and focus on correcting automation issues. While in debug mode, the automation user can change or edit variable values for basic data types to run the automation successfully.

See Debugging tools.

Reliably automate your remote applications running on VMware Horizon VDIs: Use our Next-Gen Recorder to easily exchange data between your applications running on local and remote machines. Citizen and professional developers can automate remote applications without making any configuration changes on their local machines.

See Automate applications running on remote machines.

Business governance

Strengthen governance for automation creation: With code analysis and enforcement, you can ensure your developers are creating reliable, maintainable, and secure automations according to best practices. The platform enables the business to define and enforce coding best practices as developers are creating automations, and enables different code quality thresholds to be enforced across different sets of users.

See Code analysis enforcement.

Simplify automation promotion: Use our new Promotion wizard to avoid the multistep export-import process. Leveraging a single tool, developers can move automations, forms, processes, and their dependencies easily across the Dev-Test-Prod environments.

See Move bots across environments.

Process visualization and flow

Graphically gain actionable insights quickly: The Process Discovery Flow graph enables you to easily visualize commonalities among variants and loops within your business processes. Provide your business analysts a clear view to identify what processes are the best candidates for optimization or automation to generate the greatest ROI.

See Using the Flow Graph to find common steps and loops.

Updated release builds

  • Build 18399 (On-Premises) is released which includes a fix for the Apache ActiveMQ remote code execution vulnerability. For more information, see Apache ActiveMQ Remote Code Execution Vulnerability CVE-2023-46604 (A-People login required).
  • We have released updated Build 18361 (Cloud and Cloud-Sandbox) and Build 18399 (On-Premises) for the following:
    • Fix for an issue that impacts the ability to check-in bots that were cloned by other users in specific cases.

      Unable to check-in a bot when you perform the following steps:

      1. Clone a bot created by another user.
      2. Change the structure of the bot which is different from the cloned bot.
      3. Check-in the bot.

      (Service Cloud case ID: 01991263, 01991795, 01993056, 01993801, 01993825, 01992732, 01993655, 01994102, 01994336, 01993388, 01994525, 01994710, 01994569, 01994217, 01994263, 01994843, 01995026, 01994542, 01994223, 01994971)

    • Fix for an issue when using the Emailpackage that was using credentials stored in a locker whose name started with OAuth_ (case insensitive).

      (Service Cloud case ID: 01993661)

    • Fix for an issue where the purchased details for Control Room license is displayed incorrectly on the Licenses page when the Citizen Developer feature is not purchased in the file license.

      (Service Cloud case ID: 01994512)

  • We have released updated Build 18345 (On-Premises and Cloud-Sandbox) for the following:
    • Fix for an issue in Document Automation when table fields are sed in Validator where validation is now performed on individual fields.
    • Fix for an issue in the learning instance that is using the Extract field using pattern option which no longer displays the Value cannot be empty error when using empty fields.
    • Fix for an issue in the Automation Co-Pilot for MS Teams integration where the Auth pop-up now closes after the correct credentials are entered.
  • We have released updated Build 18332 (Cloud-Sandbox) to include a fix for an issue related to recorder session management in the Control Room.

Note: For documentation on previous builds of this release, see the PDFs available on this page: Automation 360 Release Notes (build versions).

What's new and changed in each product

Navigate to the following pages for details on all the updates (what's new, changed, fixed, and limitations) in each product: