Wait for condition action

Makes the bot wait until a specific condition is true before executing the next action.


In the Wait till field, specify the condition to meet. For example, the wait condition can be based on whether an application is running, a folder or file exists, a variable matches the specified value, an application window exists, or a machine or server is running.
  • If a bot encounters an internal error that does on appear on the UI, it does not wait for the amount of time that is specified in this action. The bot does not stop and continues to the next line.
  • When you create a bot and use the variable option to search the window title and use the condition Window exists, or Window does not exist the bot will not search for the changed window title. Also, it will not identify the window title if you have changed the variable. You can use the condition Window with same title does not exist, or Window with same title exist to verify whether a window with the same title exists or changed.
Important: When you use the Object exists and Object does not exist conditions inside the Wait for condition action and choose the Stop the bot and display an error message option, the bot will not display an error message but proceed to the next action.
When you use the Object does not exist condition to verify whether a specific object exists in a window, and if the object exists, the result of the condition will be false. In this scenario, the bot keeps waiting until the specified condition is true, that is, the bot waits till the object does not exist in a window and then executes the next action.
Note: The value that you enter in the Keep trying for (seconds) field when you select Recorder conditions is not the wait time for the specified condition. This time is a timeout to search an object from the window. For example, if you specify a value of 15 seconds in the field, then the Recorder will take a maximum of 15 seconds to send the result to the Wait for condition action, that is whether the object exists in a window.

This action offers the same conditions as the If package. See the If package.

Group conditions

Use the Add group option to add multiple Boolean conditions or combine more than one conditions with And and Or options within a group and when you want the bot to check multiple conditions at a time before executing a set of actions.

You can also add a group within a group.