Assign action

The Assign action in the Data Table package enables you to assign values to a table variable.


You can use this action to manually enter the table data.

  • Use the Source data table field to select one of the following options:
    • Table with values: select on of the following tabs:
      • Table: Click Edit table (1X1) button to manually add rows and columns.
      • Variable: To select a source table variable.

      Consider a scenario where you want to change or update some data in an existing database. In order to ensure you do not loose the original data, you can store the existing values as a temporary Datatable variable. You can then use the Assign action to create a temporary or duplicate Datatable for making changes.

    • Table with no values: update the following fields:
      • Number of rows: enter the number of rows that you want to assign to the table.
      • Number of columns: enter the number of columns that you want to assign to the table.
  • Click the Save the outcome to a variable drop-down to select a table variable to hold the output.

    You can either select the source table variable to overwrite the values, or select a different table variable.