Privacy Enhancement Gateway 3.3.19 release

Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Privacy Enhancement Gateway (PEG) for the 3.3.19 release.

What's new

Settings available to auto-delete recorded data on a scheduled cycle.
From the PEG general settings, users can configure a policy (for all data and masked data) with parameters for data to be regularly deleted automatically at 00:00am on a scheduled day. Users can configure a policy for each of the two data types (all and masked).
Note: Only data that is forwarded to the platform will be deleted.


A unique configuration is needed for custom DNS to pass data to the Privacy enhanced Gateway. See, Create DNS entries and deploy PEG VM

Service Cloud case ID: 02135696

When certificates were copy and pasted from the terminal, some text editor applications were adding invisible characters causing the certificate to be invalid. Documentation is now offered to guide users through this process and avoid issues. See, Create certificates

Service Cloud case ID: 02129872