Run as user for API Task (apitaskrunner)

Automation Anywhere creates a user called apitaskrunner to establish the Run as user context for API Tasks

This allows API Tasks to run on the cloud without requiring individual user licenses, saving costs and simplifying management. The apitaskrunner user has the AAE_API Task Runner role associated with it. The following permissions are assigned to this role:

  • View packages
  • Register device
  • View Users and Roles basic information
  • View and manage my Bot runners, Bot creators, and device pools: Create device pools
  • Bots: View, Run, Export, Import, Label, Cancel Checkout
  • Bots tab: Select all on Bots folder
  • Devices: View and manage ALL device(s)
Note: A default run-as-user (apitaskrunner) is automatically assigned to each API Tasks added to the Cloud device management. To change the default user, click the actions menu (three vertical ellipsis) located to the right of each allocated device session and click Assign run-as user and select a user.

If you are not using the API Tasks, you can disable the apitaskrunner user. This user account is created specifically to run API Tasks in the cloud and does not require individual user licenses.