Previous Package SDK Release Notes

Review the new, changed, fixed, and deprecated features, and security fixes, known issues, and limitations for the previous Automation 360 Package SDK.

Automation 360 v.28

Feature Description
Added security fix. Added a security fix to the vulnerabilities reported in the previous release.

SDK download link:

Docs download link:

Automation 360 v.27

Feature Description
Added documentation_url and tutorial_url Added documentation_url and tutorial_url attributes in @CommandPkg.
  1. documentation_url - Use this to add a documentation link to an action.
  2. tutorial_url - Use this to add a video tutorial link to an action.
    For example:
            node_label = "[[CMtoINCH.node_label]]",
            label = "[[CMtoINCH.label]]",
            description = "[[CMtoINCH.description]]",
            name = "CMtoInch",
            icon = "ruler_icon.svg",
            documentation_url = "",
            tutorial_url = "",
            minimum_controlroom_version = "13980",
            minimum_botagent_version = "21.210")

Automation 360 v.25

Feature Description
Added default session_value Added default_session_value attribute in @CommandPkg to set up the default value for global session.

Automation 360 v.23

Feature Description
Log4j version Log4j version update to 2.17.1.

Automation 360 v.22

Feature Description
Rebranded the package name The package name is rebranded from A2019 to A360.
Added return settings Added return settings for @CommandPkg to decide the setting or configurations related to the return type of the command.
Added a new annotation Added a new annotation for SessionObject to indicate that the session object is passed to the command.
Added a new annotation Added a new annotation for SessionAllowNonExistent to indicate that a non-existing session can be passed to the command.
Added a new attribute type Added a new attribute type BAPIOBJECT that works with the control type named BAPIWORKFLOW with the following three tables.
  • Import
  • Export
  • Table
Added multiple return settings Added multiple return settings in @CommandPkg to return multiple values from the command.
Runtime library updates Bundled the latest bot runtime libraries.

Automation 360 v.21

Feature Description
Added a new annotation Added the new annotation for the Control Room and the Bot Agent.
Added a new annotation Added the new annotation for the credential password (@CredentialAllowPassword).
Added a new example Added the new example at: botcommand/samples/commands/basic/types, called file.
Added a new annotation Added the new annotation to support the Trigger3 interface.
Updated trigger examples Updated trigger examples to support the Trigger3 interface.
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.

Enhancements A2019.20

Feature Description
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.

Enterprise A2019.19

Feature Description
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.
Added annotation rule Added the MultipleRecordPicker annotation rule.
Added annotations Added annotations for desktop operation stages.

Enterprise A2019.18

Feature Description
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.
Added shared session Added support for shared sessions.
Enhanced property creation Now properties can accept one parameter.
Added rule for WindowResize and WindowBrowser Added a new rule for WindowResize and WindowBrowser.
Non-essential dependencies in the build.gradle are commented out Non-essential dependencies in the build.gradle are now commented out. Enable it to compile the Package SDK samples.

Enterprise A2019.17

Feature Description
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.
Added author name in custom packages Added support to add the author name in the vendor column of custom packages.
Added File2 attribute Added the new attribute type File2.
Added File Type rule Added the new rule File Type.

Enterprise A2019.16

Feature Description
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.
Added NoLogging Added NoLogging support.

Enterprise A2019.15

Feature Description
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.

Enterprise A2019.14

Feature Description
Desktop operations Added desktop operations support.
Samples for actions in the download file Added additional samples for actions in the Package SDK download file.
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot run-time libraries.

Enterprise A2019.13

Feature Description
Time validation for locales Added compile time validation for locales JSON file.
Entry list Added support for ENTRYLIST
Runtime library updates Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.

Enhancements A2019.12.1

Feature Description
Trigger samples Added trigger samples in the Package SDK download file. Download the latest Package SDK to access the sample files.

Enterprise A2019.12

Feature Description
Runtime libraries Added the latest runtime libraries.
Custom trigger Creating custom triggers is supported in this release.
Sample We added more code samples. code example added to package documentation. (Service Cloud case ID: 00469066) Create a simple action with multiple choices. The UI differs based on the options selected.

Enhancements A2019.11

Feature Description
Runtime libraries This package contains the latest runtime libraries.

Enterprise A2019.10

Feature Description
Updated annotation support Added new attributes annotation support.
Improved bundling of SDK Bundled java doc inside package SDK zip. You only need to download one zip file now.
Runtime libraries Bundled latest bot runtime libraries.
More examples Added new examples inside zip.
Datatypes Added new datatypes.
Note: All the components for the Package SDK are included in a single zip file starting with the A2019.10 release.

Enterprise A2019.09

Feature Description
Bot runtime libraries Bundled latest bot runtime libraries for A2019.09 Package SDK.

Enterprise A2019.08

Feature Description
Bot runtime libraries Bundled latest bot runtime libraries for A2019.08 Package SDK.
Properties support Extended support for properties.
Comments expanded and improved Added more comments to sample commands to help use SDK.
Comment field formatting Added text color and background color to comment fields.


Feature Description
Bot runtime libraries The A2019.07 bot runtime libraries are bundled in the SDK package.
CREDENTIAL attribute We provide support for credential attributes that require input from action screens.
Localized error messages and actions UI text Enables developing packages with i18n error messages and localized (l10n) actions UI with localized text.
Java Development Kit 11 The A2019.07 Package Development Kit supports JDK 11.