Co-Pilot for Automators in Process Composer

As variables and complexity are introduced to a process automation, developers can describe the automation scenario with natural language prompts to save time.

Co-Pilot for Automators offers a dialog box to receive command prompts, recognize the necessary nodes and changes, then edit the process accordingly. This can save time and cognitive effort when compared to the traditional select and enter method of development.

Prerequisite: See Availability


Co-Pilot for Automators supports the following features in the Process Composer. Consider describing the following in a natural language prompt.

Add an Approval Task.
Users can add an Approval Task to the process. Some manual configuration is required to assign users, roles, and teams for the requests and approvals. Also, the form used in the Approval Task should pre-exist to easily attach during configuration.
Add an API Task.
Users can add any API task, existing in the Control Room, by referencing the title of the API task. The closest matching API task is added to the end of the process.
Add a Document Automation learning instance.
Add a relevant learning instance referenced in Document Automation. Support for learning instance in process task
Add and edit conditions of a node.
Describe the conditions of a node for the process flow, such as: boolean, string, datetime, numeric.
Update operation for supported properties.
Update a supported property of a node by detailing the change and the node where changes should apply. Known limitations in Process Composer

Build automation in Process Composer

The following steps describe creating a new process and editing automation with Co-Pilot for Automators.

  1. Log-in to the Control Room with a valid user account and navigate to Automation > Create new > Process.
  2. Enter a name and the folder where you want your process to be saved. Click Create & edit to open the process in the Process Composer and enter your initial data in the start element.
  3. Open Co-Pilot for Automators by clicking the Co-Pilot button or Assistant > Co-Pilot.

    Open Co-Pilot for Automators in Process Composer.
  4. In the Co-Pilot dialog box, describe your automation scenario. When complete, click Send or use Ctrl+Enter for your instruction to be generated on the canvas.

    For example, you can describe an invoice processing automation as Add the scan invoices bot. If values are greater than 100, then send email to, else save data to new excel sheet.

  5. Co-Pilot for Automators analyzes the prompt, generates the automation using necessary elements, and responds in the dialog box with a message.

    Note: In this example, Co-Pilot for Automators matched the prompt to existing bots in the repository and mapped them to the bot tasks. Co-Pilot also added a process task and the developer mapped the child process to it manually.
  6. Provide feedback to Co-Pilot for Automators by clicking Yes or No in the dialog box.
  7. To further edit your automation, describe any changes and specific node of your automation scenario within the Co-Pilot dialog box.
  8. Finally, review, save, and test your automation to ensure accuracy.