Automation events

The automation event category is a group of notifications that contains bot-related events such as bot execution successful or unsuccessful.

These notifications are sent to users based on the permissions defined in the Automation 360 platform, and to users who have performed specific tasks, such as export bot. Based on permissions to monitor the bot execution, notifications are sent to the following users:
  • Users who starts the bot and have access to monitor the bot execution.
  • Users who have access to the bot and can monitor other user's bot execution.
  • Users who have access to the bot and can monitor execution based on their respective folders.
Note: If a user is common in all the preceding scenarios, only one notification is sent to the respective users for all the scenarios.
The following table lists examples of the automation event and its severity:
Event name Users notified for the event Type of email notification
Bot execution successful Control Room user who started the bot execution Email report
Bot export successful Control Room user who exported the bot Email report
Bot export unsuccessful Control Room user who exported the bot Email report
Bot execution unsuccessful (Application or Data related error, Bot start-up issue, or Bot in unknown or suspended state) Control Room user who started and is monitoring the bot execution Email report
Bot import successful Control Room user who imported the bot Email report
Bot import unsuccessful Control Room user who imported the bot Email report