Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users v.29 release

Review what's new and changed, and the fixes and limitations in Automation Co-Pilot for the v.29 release.

Important: Starting from this release, we have moved information about updates in each package (such as what's new, changed, fixes, and limitations) to package-specific pages. You can access these pages by navigating to Package updates overview > <package-name> releases.

For a consolidated list of packages updated in this release, see Packages updated in v.29.

What's new

Queue automations

In the Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant, you can view multiple bot deployments in a queue. You can refer to the Queue page to view pending bots that are sorted by progress, including bots with trigger events that were initiated. This also grants you more control over each bot instance, with your ability to remove queues individually or bulk, and to start or stop any bot progress.

Queue automations

Dropdown Multi-Select form element

In the form composer, you can use the new Dropdown Multi-Select form element to create a drop-down menu with values in your forms. This element will enable you to specify more than one value in a drop-down menu that another user can select in a form.

Using the Dropdown Multi-Select element

Map host data with input variables

You can use attended bots with input variables to map data in a host application. When you run your automations in the embedded widget, the values of input variables will be populated based on data of the host application that you configured.

Map host data using bot inputs

Set supported language as URL parameters

You can set specific language settings to your URL for host applications using Automation Co-Pilot. This provides you with instant localization for supported languages without the need for you to access language options in a settings menu. For instance, you can add lang=en_US or lang=fr_FR at the end of your URL to localize your contents to a specified language.

Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users supported features

View hidden elements in form composer

In form composer, when you define hidden elements, you will be able to view the hidden element as URL parameters in your URL address. For example, if a hidden element is set to a language value, the URL will reflect this and show as hiddenelement0=EN_US in the URL. This gives you a quick reference of your defined hidden elements when you view the URL.

Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users supported features

Attention toggle in notifications

The Need Attention toggle in the notifications tab enables you the ability to filter between all notifications and notifications that requires action, for your embedded widget. When you select this toggle, only notifications that require your attention is filtered. This helps you focus and prioritize on the important notifications. You can also refresh to load new notifications.

Automation Co-Pilot for Business Users supported features

Search and filter in an embedded widget

You can search and filter your automation list in your embedded widget. When you filter, you can use the name toggle to organize by ascending or descending names. You can also search for specific keywords to quickly identify your automation.

Assign a process to roles

Processes can now be assigned to roles. Adding a role to a process makes it available to cross-functional team members, regardless of their assigned team. A process can still be added to a team. However, managing a process by role can make common business tasks consistent and accessible for all users with a set role.

Manage a process in Automation Co-Pilot

What's changed

Improvements for running processes

Documentation has improved to provide clarity on running a sub-process containing a form within a parent process.

Service Cloud case ID: 01966950

Run a process automation from private workspace

Delete requests by any status

For easier storage clean up of processes in a private folder, you can now delete requests (by users with permission) regardless of what status the request is in. Previously, you could not delete requests in open status.

Service Cloud case ID: 01959212


Build 18371 (On-Premises): This build includes the following fixes (along with fixes from the previous builds):

After you update to Automation 360 v.29, no error messages are shown as separated characters in the Automation Co-Pilot request field.

Previously, when you update to Automation 360 v.29 and system language was set as non-English language, for example Japanese, error messages were shown as separate characters.

Build 18345 (On-Premises): These builds includes the following fix (along with fixes from the previous builds):
When you select a date in the date field after a form is submitted, the date value now accurately shows the correct date and time. Additionally, no error messages will prompt you of the date and time.

Service Cloud case ID: 01978996

When you specify the source date time variable in your bot, to pass to your bot, the time field now correctly displays the time.

Service Cloud case ID: 01980392

When starting the Automation Co-Pilot for Microsoft Teams integration, the Auth pop-up window closes, as intended, after credentials are entered for users with an Automation Co-Pilot Business User license.
The Duplicate Row option is available when you use the Table element.
In a host application, you can deploy your bots and processes in the embedded widget without issues. Previously, the bots and processes would not deploy when host data was unavailable. This has been fixed to allow a bot and process to run regardless if there is no host, with or without listeners, and, with or without data inputs.
The date values in your form will now correctly display the time zone when the data is passed to the bot.

Service Cloud case ID: 01979645, 01978931, 01980392, 01982621, 01986377

In historic activity, when you view bots that have encountered an error, you can view the error message details in the Error message section. Previously, error messages would not generate.

Service Cloud case ID: 01850454, 01908923

When you use a date element in your forms, and you generate a date data in the date field and then delete the data, the date data will be removed or updated if you specified a different data.

Service Cloud case ID: 01944363

In Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant, when you use the search and replace feature for form variables, you are now able to search and replace your form variables.
Attended bot runner users that are running Automation 360 v.29 build 18361 should have the permission View Users and Roles basic information assigned in the role settings. An error message might display upon logging in for users without this permission assigned.

Service Cloud case ID: 01997194


When you deploy a bot, the initial start date and time of the bot will show the wrong date and time details. The correct date and time will be updated when the bot is progressed.

Service Cloud case ID: 01982920

When you log in to the Salesforce application, you will be able to run your bots and processes through the your embedded widget without issues. However, if your session expires and you re-authenticate, you will not be able to run your automation.

Workaround: Refresh the current page and it will function normally.

In Automation Co-Pilot Desktop Assistant, when you log in as an attended user, but you do not have access to a child bot, and you attempt to run a parent bot instead, an error message will prompt and notify you that you no longer have permission to access the child bot and will not return to a normal state. This error message still persists when you log in again.

Workaround: You can press the F5 key to refresh the page and it will load to a normal state.

When you use a Table element in your forms, the Duplicate row option is not available for you to select. Though there are no workarounds for this limitation, you can continue to add rows to your table, and duplicate rows that were previously created are not effected.
The authentication pop-up window does not close when launching Automation Co-Pilot for Microsoft Teams desktop client for two types of users:
  • The first admin user created after a Control Room installation

  • Users with out an Automation Co-Pilot Business User license associated

The pop-up window asks for credentials. However, after entering and submitting credentials the window remains open. We are currently working to resolve this issue.

Updates to the interface

Review the updates made to the interface for Automation Co-Pilot v.29 release.

Requests in a private folder can now be sent to the recycle bin or hard deleted (by users with permission).

Delete any request

When completing a form, a search field is now available in drop-down menus with ten or more options.

Service Cloud case ID: 01875095

A process can now be added to roles.

Assign process to role

View the queue of your attended bot automation.

Queue automations

Use the Dropdown Multi-select Element in form composer.

Dropdown Multi-Select element

Specify a supported language as a URL parameter.

Supported language URL parameter

Use the Need attention toggle to filter your notifications that requires attention.

Need attention toggle