Response messages from Co-Pilot for Automators

Co-Pilot for Automators offers standard responses that provide a conversational experience when users send prompts.

Co-Pilot for Automators is configured to respond with standardized messages when users send prompts. These interactive messages help developers with writing and editing prompts. Consider the following message behaviors from Co-Pilot for Automators.
  • Reject instructions not related to automation.
  • Respond with user-friendly messages.
  • Accept feedback on the output.
Automation Co-Pilot Response Message Description User Action Required
Success! Do the results meet your needs? Automation Co-Pilot has successfully created the automation, and is asking for feedback. Provide feedback by clicking Yes or No.
Automation updated. Do the results meet your needs? Automation Co-Pilot has successfully updated the process or bot, and is asking for feedback. Provide feedback by clicking Yes or No.
Thanks for your feedback. Acknowledgment for the Yes/No feedback provided by the user. None
The prompt is unrelated to Automation Anywhere capabilities. Please rephrase your prompt. The user has entered a prompt that seems unrelated to Automation 360. Correct the instruction.
Your request timed out. This could be due to high traffic. Please try again later or simplify your prompt. If the issue persists contact Support.

The error could have been caused due to time-out, API connection error or external call to the LLM model. The error is not caused due to Automation Anywhere system error. In such cases, Automation Co-Pilot retries the user request automatically before responding with this message.

Wait for a few minutes and try again. If that does not work then reduce the message length by breaking it into smaller chunks or re-wording it.
Unable to render. Please further detail the automation scenario in your prompt. Consider using the standard names of actions and tasks. User prompt for creating or editing an automation could not be processed as Automation Co-Pilot was unable to identify the required automation entities such as tasks, packages or actions. Modify the instruction to correctly describe your automation scenario.
An unexpected error occurred, please try again. If the error persists, edit your prompt or contact Support. Automation Co-Pilot was unable to understand the request. Try rewording the instruction.
Approval task feature is unavailable. Please verify your license, role, permission and try again. Automation Co-Pilot did not have proper privileges to include this feature in the automation. Ensure the admin has granted this user the appropriate license and permissions.
API task feature is unavailable. Please verify your license, role, permission and try again. Automation Co-Pilot did not have proper privileges to include this feature in the automation. Ensure the admin has granted this user the appropriate license and permissions.
Added line(s) x. Items have been added to the automation at the line(s) indicated. N/A
Updated line(s) at x. Changes have been made to the items at the line(s) indicated. N/A
Note: Generative AI models can produce errors and/or misrepresent the information they generate. It is advisable to verify the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content generated by the AI model.