Using Update work item action

The Update work item action provides you the flexibility to update a work item based on the queue name and work item ID as part of automation execution.

Review the following considerations for using the Update work item action:
  • Run the automation using one of the following options:
    • Run now
    • Schedule
    • Run with event triggers
    Note: A Bot Runner user who will update the work item must be associated with a role that is either the owner or a participant of the queue.
  • Use the Update work item action to manage complex workflows in an automation by adding work items from multiple queues.
  • If the following fields are not updated correctly, an error is displayed during the runtime and the automation will fail:
    • Incorrect name is entered in the Queue name field.
    • For the Record tab:
      • The sequence of the columns is incorrect.

        For example, if work item structure is ColumnA, ColumnB and ColumnC. Automation will fail if you enter the column sequence in the Record tab as ColumnA, ColumnC and ColumnB.

      • The data type for the columns is incorrect.

        For example, if the work item structure contains a data type as String; but the input record structure is Number.

      • If any of the columns in the record structure is missing.

        For example, if work item has 3 columns and you remove one of them. However, the input record is set for 3 columns.

      • The Datetime value is not set to a future date and time.
        For example, if the system date and time is May 10 2024 14:00, ensure that you set the Datetime to a future date and time value.
        Note: The Datetime value is not set to a future date and time when you put the work items on-hold


  1. In the Automation page, click the Create icon or click an existing Task Bot to open the editor screen.
  2. In the Actions palette, double-click or drag the Update work item action available in the Workload.
  3. In the Queue name field, enter the name of the queue where you want to update the work items.
    Note: Ensure that you enter the correct name as an error is displayed during the automation runtime if the specified queue does not exist.
    Optionally, click the Insert a value icon to select an existing variable that you might have used to store the queue name.
  4. In the Work item ID field, enter the ID of the work item that you want to update.
    Optionally, click the Insert a value icon to select an existing variable that you might have used to store the value of the work item ID.
  5. Use the Work item values field to select one of the following tabs:
    • Record
      Click the Add button to add a record and update the following entries:
      • Index: Is an auto-generated field and cannot be manually edited. However, if you have add more than one record, the Move up and Move down arrows are enabled. The value in the Index field changes based on the position you move a record to.
      • Name: Enter a name for the column that you are adding.
      • Type: Click the drop-down menu to select the type of the column.
        Note: Only String, Number and Datetime are supported for the work items
      • Value: Enter the value for the column based on the Type that you have selected.
      Note: Ensure that the record that you are adding has same number of columns as the work item structure. For example, number, name and type of columns, and its values.
    • Variable

      Enter the variable name or click the Insert a value icon to select an existing variable that contains the work item values.

  6. Click the Status drop-down menu to select one of the following options:
    • Re-process (New): Select this option to reprocess the selected work item as new.
    • On-hold: Select this option to pause or put the selected work item on hold. You can further use one of the following tabs to refine the On-hold status:
      • Indefinitely: Select this option if you want to manually change the status at a later day or date.
      • Until: Select this option to set the On-hold status based on:
        • Datetime: Select the date, time and the timezone.
          Note: The EST, HST or MST time zones are deprecated.
        • Variable: Enter a variable or click the Insert a value icon to select an existing variable.
  7. Click Save.
    The selected work item is updated based on the settings that you have selected.