Connect learning instance

Connect to a learning instance in Automation 360 IQ Bot to process documents in that learning instance using the Document Automation workflow.


To perform this task, you must have one of the following roles:
  • AAE_IQ Bot Admin
  • AAE_IQ Bot Services
  • A custom role with the Connect learning instance permission

Open the Document Automation and Automation 360 IQ Bot environments on the same device.

When you connect a learning instance that was created in Automation 360 IQ Bot, the system creates learning instance assets (RPA bots, Automation Co-Pilot process, and form) to enable the learning instance to start processing documents in Document Automation.
  • The Connect learning instance option is planned to be deprecated in January, 2025. We recommend that such customers use the IQ Bot - Document Automation Bridge package to use the IQ Bot learning instances in Document Automation. See Upcoming feature deprecations.
  • You must have the AAE_Basic and AAE_Bot Developer role with the Bot Creator license.
  • This feature is accessible only within Document Automation (not available in Community Edition). If you are an IQ Bot customer, you can use this feature within Document Automation.
  • The Automation 360 IQ Bot environment must be associated with the Control Room where Document Automation is installed. In addition, Automation 360 IQ Bot must be in a version that is compatible with the Control Room.
  • You can connect one learning instance at a time.

A connected learning instance can extract data from check boxes if your device is configured with the Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable package: Extracting data from check boxes


  1. Login to the Control Room as the Admin user. Navigate to Manage > Learning Instances. Click Connect learning instance.
    This takes you to Connect Learning Instances from IQ Bot classic page which contains a list of Automation 360 IQ Bot learning instances.
  2. Select the learning instance from version Automation 360 IQ Bot to connect with. Move it from left to right. Click Connect. Connect your learning instance
    The newly-connected learning instance appears in the Learning instances table in private mode.
Note: The value in the Provider column indicates whether a learning instance was connected from Automation 360 IQ Bot or created in Document Automation.
  • For a connected learning instance, the Provider column value is User-trained.
  • For a learning instance created in Document Automation, the Provider column value is Automation Anywhere (Pre-trained).

Next steps

Note: You must maintain the Automation 360 IQ Bot server because it stores the configuration and training data for the connected learning instance.
  • A connected leaning instance can only be edited in Automation 360 IQ Bot. To edit the leaning instance after connecting it, click the name in the Learning instances table and you will be redirected to open the learning instance in Automation 360 IQ Bot in a new window.
  • To upload documents for processing, click Process Documents. Process documents in Document Automation