Version 11.3.2 Release Notes
- 최종 업데이트2022/11/09
Version 11.3.2 Release Notes
These release notes describe new features, changed features, fixed features, security fixes, deprecated features, and known limitations introduced in Version 11.3.2 for Automation Anywhere Control Room, Enterprise Client, and Bot Insight.
New features
Control Room new features | |
Feature | Description |
Automation Anywhere Control Room user interface localization | A Control Room user can change the language of the application's user interface by selecting English (United States), French, Japanese, and Korean from the Control Room. See Control Room interface overview. |
Password type attribute in Credential Vault (Zendesk # 48249, 49478,52363, 62880, 65358, 84852,100452, 138760, 138779, 141926, 178161) | When creating a credential, you can now mark a specific attribute
as a password type to ensure that a password-type attribute
selection can only be made from the password field in the
commands supporting the Credential Vault
variables in the Enterprise Client interface. This feature
enhances the security of credential variables because the
password-type attributes are not exposed and the value cannot be
printed in a plain text application. Note: Existing bot users must modify their
credential variable definition to use this feature.
However, the bots require no modification.
See Create a credential. |
Automatically discover domains and sites across single or multi-forest environments for Active Directory configuration. | Introduced support for automatically discovering domains and sites by the Control Room when the administrator configures or updates Active Directory authentication. See Configuring Control Room for Active Directory: auto mode, Configuring Active Directory Settings, Reset LDAP user credentials |
Added API to get the Scheduled Activity list in the Control Room | Introduced an API to get the Scheduled Activity list, also available from the page of the Control Room. |
Provision to communicate with changed database password without reinstalling the Control Room (Zendesk #124537) | When the database password is changed, the Automation Anywhere Enterprise can now communicate with the database without reinstalling the Control Room. |
Forward Audit Log entries to remote Syslog server(s) (Zendesk # 132247, 145180, 146118) | You can now configure Control Room to forward all Audit Log entries in Syslog format to a remote Syslog server. See Configuring Syslog service. |
Role-based access to generate API key for Authentication |
Configure callback URLs for the Bot Deployment API to send bot execution status and bot output | Control Room administrators can now configure callback URLs for the Bot Deployment API on the Control Room Settings page. Use the callback URLs to send the bot success, failure, and reason for failure after the bot finishes execution. See ../control-room/administration/settings/configuration-settings.html#mxf1682866149197__call-back-url. |
Tag variables in a Bot for data output | Introduced a setting-based API for bot deployment so a Bot Creator can tag variables in a bot for data output. |
View installed database details | The Control Room settings page now shows the selected database type and the corresponding details. See Control Room Database. |
Enterprise Client new features | |
Feature | Description |
Support to recognize Asian languages using Automation Anywhere Enterprise ABBY OCR engine. (Zendesk # 137375) | Automation Anywhere Enterprise with ABBY OCR engine is now able to recognize Asian languages like Korean. |
Password type attribute in Credential Vault supported commands (Zendesk # 48249, 49478,52363, 62880, 65358, 84852,100452, 138760, 138779, 141926, 178161) |
You can now ensure that when creating a credential in the Control Room, a password-type attribute can only be selected from a password field in the commands supporting Credential Vault variables, by selecting the This is a password attribute. This feature enhances the security of credential variables because the password-type attributes are not exposed and their values cannot be printed in a plain text application. See Credential variables. |
Override default browser and choose browser to use (Zendesk #109820, 26502) |
Using the Override default browser option in the Launch Website command, a bot developer can now choose the browser to use and override the default browser setting of the system. The supported browsers are Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. See Enterprise 11: Launch Website command. |
Extract custom table control from Flex application | The Object cloning command now enables you to extract the custom table control from the specific Flex application and export it to a .CSV file. |
Switch Terminal Emulator logs generation | You can now enable and disable the generation of Terminal Emulator logs for mainframe terminals using Advanced Technology during bot execution to capture only the required logs to share for analysis. This preserves user-sensitive information and does not capture the username and password. |
Support SOAP Version 1.2 in SOAP Web Service command | The SOAP Web Service command now
supports SOAP Version 1.2, which uses the content type
application/soap+xml and charset
utf-8 , in addition to SOAP Version 1.1, which uses
the content type text/xml . You can now specify
the SOAP Version to use in the SOAP Web Service command to call
the corresponding web service instead of writing a separate
JavaScript to call the same web service. |
Improved action of MetaBot with Outlook web application | You can now capture the Microsoft Outlook web application using a MetaBot and do a Click using MetaBot Logic. |
Add screen using MetaBot for Microsoft Outlook 365 with IE browser | The Add screen feature using MetaBot is now improved for Microsoft Outlook 365 with Microsoft Internet Explorer. |
Install Flex plug-in supported files in approved Microsoft directory |
The Flex plug-in is now installed in the approved Microsoft directory, that is, the Client installation folder instead of "C:\users\<username>\AutomationAnywhere\" in the following files:
Option to regularly clean up Terminal Emulator logs |
You can now clean up the Terminal Emulator log at specific intervals to optimize disk space. For example, if you set an interval of seven days, older log files are deleted during cleanup. Valid interval ranges: 1 through 60 days Default: 7 days. |
Mutual authentication using Access Manager Reverse Proxy server |
Object Cloning using the Remote Agent for Citrix |
The Remote Agent for Citrix enables you to use the Object Cloning command to capture objects from the applications that are installed on a Citrix environment, even when the Enterprise Client is installed outside the Citrix environment. See Object Cloning command. |
Bot Insight new features | |
Feature | Description |
Bot Insight Localization |
Bot Insight is now available in the following 14 languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Latin America), and Turkish. Bot Insight automatically detects your locale and if it finds a match, it translates all the UI elements to its appropriate language. Note: Localization of Bot Insight databases and
APIs is not supported.
CoE Dashboard |
Bot Insight APIs |
Changed features
Control Room changed features | |
Feature | Description |
Repair Control Room using the setup file | You can now Repair an instance of the Control Room using the setup file instead of using the option from the Control Panel. |
Enhanced Control Room security questions capability | To align the behavior and availability of security questions
with the organization's security policy, the following
enhancements are available:
Bots and users associated with a schedule cannot be deleted | You are not allowed to delete a bot/user listed in one or more active or inactive schedules. You must first delete the schedule. See Delete bots and folders and Delete user. |
Minimum hardware requirement checks for Enterprise installation |
When installing the Enterprise application, the installer now detects whether the system used for installation meets the minimum hardware requirements of CPU, RAM, and free hard disk space in addition to the minimum supported operating system. If any of the requirements are not met, the installer warns the user to be aware before continuing with the installation. See Enterprise 11: Installing Control Room using Custom mode, Enterprise 11: Installing Control Room using Express mode, Enterprise 11 Control Room prerequisites. |
Separate View roles and Manage roles permission (Zendesk #92994) | A Control Room administrator can now give
separate View roles and Manage roles permissions to a user. This
was previously governed by a single View and manage
roles permission. The separation of permissions enables a reduction in errors when validating many roles. To maintain backward compatibility, existing Control Room users are assigned both view and manage permissions, by default. See Enterprise 11: Feature permissions for a role. |
Configure callback URLs for Bot deployment API | A Control Room administrator can now configure known callback URLs for bot deployment APIs in Control Room Settings. See Configuration settings. |
Control Room APIs enabled for Single Sign-On (Zendesk # 115353, 132789, 138782) | You can now use the APIs for an Control Room configured in a Single Sign-On environment. |
Stop an automation task remotely from the Control Room (Zendesk #63566, 69928) | You can now stop an automation task running on a Bot Runner machine, remotely from the Control Room instead of logging in to the Bot Runner machine, even if it is paused for input or because of an error or to show a message, See Stopping a task manually. | file automatically installed from Control Room setup file | The file is automatically installed when you run the Control Room installer setup file. It had to be manually placed in the application path in Version See Sample Workload Management properties file for more information. |
Enterprise Client changed features | |
Feature | Description |
ABBYY OCR engine as default | The ABBYY Fine Reader Engine v12 engine is now installed with
the Enterprise Client
Version 11.3.2 by default and does not require a separate
installation. See Enterprise 11: Configure ABBYY for Automation Anywhere. ABBYY is the default OCR engine for the Enterprise client.
Note: When you
upgrade to Enterprise Client
Version 11.3.2, the existing bots continue to run
with the configured OCR engine. To use ABBYY as the OCR
engine, you must edit the bot
Consolidated logs view in Automation Anywhere Enterprise Diagnostic Utility | The Automation Anywhere Diagnostic Utility shows the logs used for analysis in a consolidated form in the new Merged.log tab. See Troubleshoot Enterprise Client errors with Automation Anywhere diagnosis utility. |
Change variable value for WSDL URI (Zendesk #69474) | In the Build SOAP Web Service URI section of the SOAP Web Service command, when you use a variable for the WSDL URI, you are prompted for a value when you connect. If a value is already assigned for the variable, you have an option to change that value. |
Support for Adobe Flex version 32 | Starting with 11.3.2, Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client supports Flex plug-in version 32. |
Download attachments in Email Automation Command | In the Email Automation command with Get All Messages option, you can now download attachments where the filename is in Korean. |
Autologin for non-English OS (Zendesk #145010, 156665, 159152) |
Autologin to the Enterprise Client now works, even when the operating system is not in English. |
Zip Files command compresses file(s) within a folder (Zendesk #133434) |
Advanced Technology option for ANSI and VT100 terminal | You can now use the Advanced
Technology option for ANSI and VT100.
Following are the changed behavior options for the ANSI and VT100 terminal when used with the Advanced Technology option:
Bot Insight changed features | |
Feature | Description |
Security | Passwords for development and production accounts under Zoomdata are now randomly generated and stored in the Bot Insight database instead of the property files. This provides an extra layer of security to access the dashboards from Zoomdata directly. |
Bots Failure Score | The updated formulae to calculate the bots failure score is
: Failure Score = 0.3*(28 * ln(max(cpu) + 1) - 43) + 0.5*(33 * ln(max(memory) + 1) - 53) + 0.2*(25 * ln(max(hdd) + 1) - 43) (ln → log to base e) |
Fixed features
Control Room fixed features | |
Zendesk Ticket ID | Description |
170634 | When you install Control Room with Oracle Database, you can use the Database Server field to enter the IP address. |
125043,215967 | Adding a service login user manually is no longer required because the Control Room installation automatically adds the user to Local Security Policy. |
180036 | For the RDP deployments, the Bot Runner session entry is now logged correctly in the Audit Log of the Control Room when the bots are scheduled to be deployed on different machines simultaneously. |
168965, 175818, 192188 | Bot Lifecycle Management: Importing tasks with permission restricted only at My Tasks folder but then permitted to a sub folder does not cascade to the folder imported bots and sub folders. |
137652, 145368, 150676, 153746, 154429 | You can use the "&" (ampersand) symbol to set the password string for SQL Authentication. You can now also hover your mouse over the password and username fields to see the tooltip showing the permitted characters for the password string throughout the installation. |
153088, 153633 | The Control Room now ensures that the RDP session runs uninterrupted, even in low network connectivity scenarios. |
132546 | A user deletion request does not fail when using the User Management API from Swagger because of an additional single quote (') that was appended to the Control Room URL. |
-- | A Control Room user who deploys or schedules a task does not receive a task failure notification when the option A Task Bot stops running because it is unsuccessful, to the user who started or scheduled it is not selected by the Control Room administrator from the Administration Settings Email Settings page. |
173083 |
The package files that are created after using Export in Bot Lifecycle Management are deleted automatically from the Control Room server repository after a specific time period. |
144661 | You no longer see errors about corruption of exported packages and can now successfully import bots using the Bot Lifecycle Management. |
136103 | Users with specific roles no longer have issues when opening the Repository Manager in the Control Room, and they are now able to download files from an Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client for the My Docs folder. |
124197, 126944 | The Admin user can now verify the changed Email ID using the verification link and can log in to the Control Room successfully. |
130130, 143626, 156570 | You can now change the license from Bot Runner to Bot Creator successfully without any error. |
132437 | You can now successfully import a package with many bots without any error. |
117268, 119048, 130838, 133760, 133906, 136035, 156272 | Because the installation package no longer creates a double extension file in the temp folder, you can now install the Control Room successfully with the anti-virus software installed on the system. |
157390 | When importing the bots using a package in the Bots Life Management, the system no longer shows an error and successfully imports the package. |
105418 | When scheduling a bot without specifying an end date, the View Activity now shows a blank entry instead of an irrelevant entry. |
-- |
The Workload Management feature is now able to successfully process all the work items in the device pool. If the device pool contains more than two devices and if one work item fails to process in one device, then it no longer affects the work items of other devices in the pool. |
-- | After installing Control Room and configuring it for the first time, the system now generates the Credential Vault Key successfully by allowing you to save the Master Key in Express and Manual modes. |
94985 | When the system communicates with the Active Directory server using the LDAP protocol, the system now prevents unauthorized access by authenticating the input properly on the server side. |
-- | When exporting schedules in Schedule Management, the list now shows the recurring type as "one time" when scheduled once. |
-- | When creating a user in User Management, the domain name for usernames now permits the "-" (hyphen) and multiple subdomains using APIs. |
-- | Upgrading to Control Room Version 11.3.2 from Version 11.3.1, Version, or Version is now supported with an existing SQL Server database for your dashboard metadata repository. |
157137, 161041, 164817, 178744 |
If you have Import permissions but not upload Task Bots permissions, you see the following correct error message when importing a package from the Control Room: Unable to import the bots. No upload permission. |
-- |
A Control Room user with appropriate permissions can delete users after the schedules associated with those users are deactivated from the Activity page. |
-- | During Control Room installation, the Bot Insight Database Name in the Installation Summary is not updated with the user-provided information. |
-- | In the Activity page, the recurrence type shown is incorrect for the upcoming schedules. |
-- | When the option Repeats every is enabled in the Schedule + Devices tab, the Next occurrence value appears incorrectly on the Activity Scheduled page. |
-- | In Workload Management, when a queue is assigned for priority after processing some work items, it stops and then starts processing the remaining work items. |
-- | Bot deployment for Workload Management takes an extra minute to deploy from the trigger time set for a batch job. |
-- | A user must manually place the file to update the wlm.automation.trigger.interval time in the C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\config folder instead of automatically installing when running the Control Room setup. |
-- | Now the system shows an appropriate message when a user with no upload permissions tries to import bots. |
130115 | The Install Summary of Automation Anywhere Control Room Version 11.3.1 now shows the correct host name under the AAE Database Details section instead of "local". |
124069, 145898, 165193 | The user account that is used to run Automation Anywhere Enterprise services is automatically assigned "Log On As A Service" permissions under the local security policy during installation. |
145320, 150524, 153729 | After upgrading the Control Room in a cluster setup to Version 11.3.2, the nodes sync up automatically when a network disruption occurs without restarting the AAE services. |
179081, 185313 | Some of the widgets in the Control Room
dashboards that did not show any data and showed the
error:An error occurred while reading data. Failed to prepare data read request. ORA-00907: missing right parenthesisnow show the required data. |
110730 |
A configuration option is provided if there is a delay in bot deployment when the bot is located in a shared repository. The configuration option is to set the value of the notify.users.method.choice property in the ...\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\config\ file to 2. |
Enterprise Client fixed features | |
Zendesk Ticket ID | Description |
153287, 165000, 170408 | Task Bots executed using triggers run successfully after enabling the task queue option in the Automation Anywhere Settings file. |
-- |
Duplicate and invalid audit entries for task failures with an Unknown status are not created in the Audit Trail of Control Room when the task contains the System Restart command. |
158691, 171451 | When running MetaBot Logic configured for an Oracle form, you can now continue to run the bot by adding the [TAB]/[Enter] keystrokes in the previous logic line without having to manually terminate the bot and wait for the application to respond. |
137566 | It is now possible to play MetaBot Logic that is created for an Oracle form application embedded in Microsoft Internet Explorer in the Object/Applet Tag. |
82209, 108373, 109466, 143338, 152074, 162849, 170100 | In the PDF Integration, the
Extract Text command now extracts the
content from a PDF file in a structured format with minimum data
loss. Note: See the Client Known limitations
The Enterprise Client now validates the server certificate not only during login to Control Room but also during all client requests to the Control Room. | |
147850 | The Start XML Session option in the XML Integration command no longer shows an error with XML documents. You can now start an XML session with the XML documents that include the DTD. |
47608, 79846, 84453, 87003, 94296, 110499, 112470, 112665, 127302, 130909, 142118, 149680, 154018, 155913, 158753, 159341, 160083, 164127 | The AAProxyServer.exe now no longer holds the CPU usage to the high value, after the task execution completes, the CPU usage decreases |
-- | The web application now opens with the correct table format with all the information available that allows you to do actions in the pop-up windows (child windows). |
103935 | When deploying a bot using the Auto Login feature in the Horizon VDI, the player no longer logs off and instead disconnects when the task completes. |
126295, 162622 | The Workload command UI with the Japanese OS is now fixed. You are now able to successfully add and save the Workload command. |
158505 | When a low-priority task is running repeatedly, and in-between, a high-priority task takes over, after its completion, the time to repeat for the low-priority task now resumes from when it was paused instead of from the beginning. |
106840 | The Get All Message command in the Email Automation now successfully fetches all the emails with the attachments. |
131235 | You can now view the Raw Data Parameters in the SOAP Web Service command after migrating a bot from 10.5. |
131522 | You can now run a Task Bot in administrator mode from the Control Room. |
132900 | In the Loop While command with the Object Properties option, after editing the Loop Condition, you can now save the changes in the Loop While Object Properties window. |
78260 | The Object Cloning command now captures the window title of the Flex application and its contents correctly, even if the title varies (case-sensitive) from the browser window. |
125449 | When you edit a MetaBot DLL logic, the function window title in the DLL pop-up now shows the corresponding function name. |
118306 | You can now install a Google Chrome plug-in using any of the four methods and the "CRX_VERSION_NUMBER_INVALID" error does not appear. |
101757 | The OCR command with the Capture Image By Path option using the TOCR engine now does not show an error that the file is used by another process. The image is captured and appears as expected. |
94136 | The Find Broken Links option of the Web Recorder command works as expected for all websites and does not show the 'Execution Error'. |
81503, 119097 | An automated task using a keystroke command to read values from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and write into a Microsoft Windows application using variables now works as expected. |
175925, 188292 |
In Terminal Emulator command > Advanced Technology, the function keys KEY_PGUP and KEY_PGDOWN for TN3270 and TN5250 terminal types now do not error out after skipping the line of code. |
Bot Insight fixed features | |
Zendesk Ticket ID | Description |
208587, 213338 | The password field is no longer encrypted and saved in the file. Passwords are processed as plain text, so that you do not face authentication issues while creating tables in the scheduler database. |
132975, 136412, 136417 | The dashboards now render correctly when you restart the Bot Insight and Control Room services, and refresh Control Room after a fresh installation of Control Room. |
-- | Numeric precision up to two decimal points is now fixed. |
Security fixes
Control Room security fixes | |
Zendesk Ticket ID | Description |
95091 |
Control Room uses PostgreSQL for database management. The database runs locally on the same server as the web application. To connect to PostgreSQL through Spring, use a high-permissions account. Resolution: Provide Spring with an account created specifically for PostgreSQL with appropriate permissions. |
94985 | The Control Room communicates with an Active
Directory (AD) server by sending dynamic queries using the
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). Specific dynamic
queries might use weak string concatenation
Resolution: Validate input on the
server side instead of the client side by implementing a
stringent input checking mechanism that does the following
48249, 49478, 52363, 62880, 65358, 84852, 100452, 138760, 138779, 141926 | The Credential Vault variables can be printed on
any un-masked field. Therefore, the value can be printed in any
plain text application. Resolution: An option is provided in the Credential Vault to use the credential only on password or masked-type fields in the Enterprise Client. |
157041 | The forgot password questions shown when you are logging in to
Control Room do not have brute-force
protection. Resolution: You now must complete a CAPTCHA text to log in to an Control Room instance after three incorrect attempts at answering the security questions. |
132247, 145180, 146118 | Control Room now enables direct integration with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools to monitor the application for security purposes. You can configure Control Room to forward all Audit Log entries to the SIEM dashboard. |
-- | The Ignite nodes can join the Ignite cluster without
authentication. As a result, a malicious program written as an
Ignite client or server can connect to the cluster and download all
data stored in the cache. Resolution: Authentication requirements are introduced for Ignite nodes to connect to the cluster. |
Enterprise Client security fixes | |
Zendesk Ticket ID | Description and Fix |
-- | When the task is running, the user session information is
available as plain text from the
AAClientService.log. Resolution: The token value is trimmed and only the last eight characters are shown. |
-- | When a bot using the Email Automation command is
running, if the player debugs logs are enabled, the email-related
information is available as plain text in the debug logs.
Resolution: Email-related information is now not logged in debug logs. |
Deprecated features
No deprecated features are introduced in this version.
Known limitations
- When you upgrade to Control Room
Version 11.3.2, refresh the page to view the following options:
- The language selection icon at the top right of the Control Room page
- The database type in the Database and Software tab, accessible from the page of the Control Room
- When you customize the default duration for the Authentication API key in the Configuration Settings page, the updates are shown in Minutes and not Days format in the Audit logs page.
- The Unknown entries in the page are shown sorted first instead of last in an Control Room configured to use an Oracle server for a database.
- If you connect with an older version of Enterprise Client to the current
version of Control Room, the following issues are
- Tasks with status Pause for input in the page cannot be canceled.
- In the Audit logs page, multiple entries for disconnect and reconnect are logged.
- When you delete all the folders in the SVN repository that is configured for version control in the Control Room, and configure the same repository again, then the earlier versions are also shown. To avoid seeing these earlier versions, delete the entire repository from the SVN server and create a new repository.
- For a Control Room clustered environment, the
majority of nodes must be active for high availability.
The majority nodes can be calculated using n/2 +1 (for odd number of nodes) and n/2 (for even number of nodes), where n is the total number of nodes in the cluster.
- A minimum number of Elasticsearch master nodes must be active for high availability and the audit logs to function effectively.
Enterprise Client known limitations
- Automation is observed to be inconsistent when the Automation Anywhere plug-ins are enabled for Chrome browser if two different versions of the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client are installed on one machine – for example Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client Version 10.5.105 and Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client Version 11.3.
- When extracting content from a PDF file using the Extract Text command in the PDF Integration, the extracted content can contain spaces.
- The VT100 Terminal set text command might not function as required using keystrokes, but if the Debugging mode is enabled, the tasks work properly.
- Password fields captured from specific applications might not be detected as secure in the Object Cloning, MetaBot screen, and Import Dataset commands. The secure Credential Vault (password-type) attributes are not supported for these input fields.
- The App Integration command might not capture text on applications running on a 64-bit operating system.
- In the Email Automation command (IMAP, POP3), an email message containing images as a part of the email body, is shown in raw format (encoded) instead of plain text or HTML.
- The variable value defined in the Control Room
Deployment API is passed to a Task Bot only when the
Windows credentials of the current logged in user on a machine or terminal
server are the same as the login credentials set from the Enterprise Client
.Note: This limitation is for the machines that allow multiple users to log in simultaneously.
- After installation,
when you start the Enterprise Client in Japanese language, the Linguify
application sometimes shows this warning message:
Click Yes when the message is displayed and the Linguify application will start correctly.
Bot Insight known limitations
CoE dashboards are not displayed when an Oracle database is used for Control Room and PostgreSQL is used for Bot Insight metadata.- Open the file available at the DWASerivce\bin\src\main\resources location, in the Control Room folder on your machine.
- Remove the following text:
getRunUUID=select runid from db.schema.task_run tr inner join db.schema.jobexecution_users_devices je on tr.taskname+'.atmx' and dateadd(S, tr.starttimemillis / 1000, '1970-01-01')=:startTime and UPPER(je.fully_qualified_HostName) like UPPER(tr.machinename)+'%' where environmentname='Production' and taskid=:taskId
- Add the following text:
getRunUUID=select runid from bi_ads.task_run tr inner join bi_ads.jobexecution_users_devices je on tr.taskname || '.atmx' and to_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') + numToDSInterval(tr.starttimemillis / 1000, 'second')=to_timestamp( substr(:startTime, 1, 19), 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and UPPER(je.fully_qualified_HostName) like UPPER(tr.machinename) || '%' where environmentname='Production' and taskid=:taskId
- Save the file and restart the Bot Insight services.