User details, assigned roles, and general details, such as Last modified, Modified by, Object type, and User type are displayed in read only mode.

  • First name: The first name of the user.
  • Last name: The last name of the user
  • Description: The description of the user.
  • Email: The email address of the user
  • Password: The password of the user.

    For Active Directory users, the password field is not displayed.

  • User status: The status of the user, whether enabled or disabled.
  • License: The license type of the user, such as unattended bot runner, attended bot runner, bot creator and other license types.
  • License status: The status of the user license:
    • Verified: Any user created in the Control Room.
    • Unverified: If the user has not verified the license (clicked the verification link) when the SMTP is enabled.
    • Registered: When the user logs into any client machine.
  • Auto login: If a user can auto-login after logging out.
The roles assigned to the user.

  • Last modified: Displays the last time changes were made to the user in date and time.
  • Modified by: Displays the name of the user who last made changes to the user in date and time.
  • Object type: Displays the type of the bot, such as Task Bot, MetaBot, or IQ Bot.
  • User type: The type of user, such as Bot Creator, Unattended Bot Runner, Attended Bot runner, Admin or Other.