Use the system-generated Operation dashboard in Bot Insight to view information about bots that are deployed on different Bot Runner machines and bot statistics, based on the performance. You can use this information to enhance the productivity of bots and take informed business measures based on real-time information for RPA deployments.

The Operation dashboard provides visual insight into the various operational aspects of bots. Bot Insight automatically creates the default Operation dashboard based on the automation activities that are performed in the Automation Anywhere Control Room. You can save a default dashboard as a custom dashboard, and add data sources and visualization widgets to customize the dashboard.

As the Operation dashboard provides information about bots that are created, deployed, running, and scheduled across various Bot Runnermachines. The Operation dashboard cannot be published. You can view all the information that is displayed in the following dashboards from the Operation dashboard:

  • Home
  • Bots
  • Device
  • Audit
  • Workload
    Note: The Audit dashboard is visible only if the role assigned to a user has the permission to view audit logs.

You can use the following data sources to customize the Operation dashboard (the data sources include the following, but is not limited to these):

  • Home Bots Capacity Utilization
  • Home Bots Schedules
  • Home Bots Velocity
  • Workload management Pool Status
  • Bot Status
  • Device Schedules
  • Device Status

You can also use the following multiple widgets in the dashboard to create visualizations for a selected data source (the widgets include the following but is not limited to these):

  • Bars
  • Bars and Histogram
  • Box Plot
  • Donut
  • Floating Bubbles