Bot Insight Data API
- 최종 업데이트2020/09/21
Bot Insight Data API
Get bot process data for analytic analysis. Only users with Bot Insight administration role can access this API.
The Bot Insight Data API endpoints are listed here. Click the request example to view detailed request and response information.
- Bot Insight audit trail data
Ensure that the GET request can retrieve all the Control Room audit trail data.
- Bot Insight task meta data
/v2/botinsight/data/api/gettaskmetadata/Analytics_ATM Reconciliation
Ensure that the GET request can retrieve task meta data for the specified task.
- Bot Insight task variable profile
Make a GET request to retrieve the Control Room variable profile for the specified dates.
- Bot Insight task log data
Make a GET request to retrieve detailed information on the specified task log.
- Bot Insight bot run data
Ensure that the GET request can retrieve bot data for a specific date or date range