A Control Room user with View Dashboard permissions can view the workload status of device pools, queues, and work items in the Executive or Operation Manager Dashboards.

Workload dashboard

The Workload dashboard provides information about the status of device pools, queues, and work items in the Executive dashboard tab and the Operation Manager's dashboard tab. The Executive dashboard tab enables you to monitor the progress of the queues for which you are an owner or a consumer. The Operation Manager's tab enables you to monitor the queues for which you are an owner, consumer, or participant.


Device pools by backlog: Provides information about the device pools by backlog. The device pool backlog is measured as the time required to complete the existing work item from all automation tasks in that pool. You can adjust the device pool size or reorder the automation tasks as per your requirement.

Queues by time to complete: Provides information about the list of queues ordered by time to complete. Time to complete is measured as the time required to complete the existing work items. You can pause or change the priority of an automation task. You can click an individual queue to view details such as queue name, number of open items, average processing time, and expected time to complete.

Queue status: Provides information about the queues that are processed in the last 7 days. The status for the work items of each queue is displayed and enables you to monitor the progress of your workload items.

Queue with average processing time: Provides information about the queues that were processed in the last 7 days with the average processing time. The queues listed are based on the average processing time for a work item compared to a daily average.


Device pools by FTE: Enables you to view pools in descending order of Full Time Equivalent (FTE). This allows you to evaluate the value of each pool in the equivalent manual effort required to process the same work item.

Pools by decreasing error rate: Enables you to view pools ordered by decreasing error rate and enables you to identify the pools that require attention. The error rate is calculated as the number of work items with an error by the number of work items processed from that pool.

Device pools by backlog: Provides information about the device pools by backlog. The device pool backlog is measured as the time required to complete the existing work item from all automation tasks in that pool. You can adjust the device pool size or reorder the automation tasks as per your required.

Queues with average wait time: Enables you to view the list of queues that are processed in the last 7 days with the average wait time. This helps you to decide whether to increase the priority or pool size as per your business needs. The wait time is calculated by subtracting the processing start time from the automation start or resume time.

Queues by decreasing error rate: Enables you to view the list of queues ordered by decreasing error rate and helps you identify the queues that require attention. The error rate is calculated as the number of work items with error divided by the number of work items processed from that pool.