Log on to Control Room hosted in single sign-on mode
- Última actualización2020/08/26
You can now provide your single sign-on (SSO) credentials on the trusted identity provider (IdP) server page of your organization after the Control Room is registered as a service provider with the IdP.
After successful authentication in the IdP server, you are logged in to the Control Room. If you are a first-time user, the Control Room home page displays a first time login message; otherwise,
the date and time of your last successful login is displayed in the user profile
- You are automatically logged in to the Control Room if you open the Control Room in the same browser or refresh the page as you are already authenticated by the IdP server.
- When you log out (available when you click <username> in the profile) of the Control Room, you are not logged out of other applications running with the same IdP server.