As a Control Room administrator, use the considerations to understand your current environment and then create a migration plan.

Before planning your data migration, review the following considerations:

  • If you are using a version lower than 10 LTS, migrate to 10 LTS using the 10 LTS Migration utility and then migrate from 10 LTS to 11.x.x.
    Note: The hot fixes on 10 LTS are supported for migration to 11.2.
  • If you are using Automation Anywhere Enterprise v10.2, migrate to either Automation Anywhere Enterprise v10 LTS or Automation Anywhere Enterprise v10 SP2 using the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Migration utility before migrating to v11.x. This also ensures MetaBots created in Automation Anywhere Enterprise v10.2 or lower are compatible.
  • You cannot migrate from Automation Anywhere v9.x. First migrate from v9.x to v10 LTS. See the Control Room Installation section of the AAE 10 LTS Installation Guide and the Migrating Data from 9.x to 10.3.0 section in the AAE 10 LTS Data Migration Utility - User Guide.
  • Migration from 11 GA (11.0) to 11.2 is not supported.
  • You cannot migrate data from a source Control Room configured for one user type to a destination Control Room configured for another user type. For example, data for a Control Room configured for Active Directory cannot be migrated to Control Room with either Non Active Directory or Single Sign On users.
  • SAML configuration data migration is not supported.
  • Automation Anywhere Licensing service should be running on port 8080 by default, which can also be changed, see How to change license service port.
  • Automation Anywhere Licensing service must be running under a domain user account.
  • The domain user account used for Automation Anywhere Licensing service should have access to Control Room v10.x* repository path using a shared drive.
  • The Subversion repository is different in both source and destination Control Room. The status of version control is the same in both Control Rooms. If it is enabled in the source Control Room, manually configure version control in the destination Control Room using a Subversion repository that is independent/separate from the 10.x version.
  • Create a new unused database for 11.x. You cannot use the 10.x database for 11.x.
  • Do the database migration after the platform upgrade.
  • Migration of data includes the following:
    • Application settings
    • Automation bots with version history, if applicable
    • Automation schedules (migration of schedules from different time zones is not supported)
    • Bot Insight data
    • Metadata in database
    • Repository data
    • System-defined credentials
    • Users, roles, licenses, and permissions
    • Historical Activity
  • Migration of data excludes the following:
    • Audit logs
    • Devices/Clients
    • License information of the source Control Room
    • Schedule history
    • User-defined credentials
    • Version control settings

Use the following specific guidelines to plan your migration process:

  • Backup the following:
    • Control Room v10.x* SQL database
    • Control Room v10.x* shared repository
    • Control Room v10.x* Subversion database (if applicable)
    • Bot Insight SQL database (if applicable)
    • Bot Insight metadata database (if applicable)
  • Ensure that the Automation Anywhere 10.x environment is controlled and monitored after the migration process is initiated as follows:
    • Do not create users, roles, schedules, and permissions.
    • Do not create and upload any metadata.
    • Do not check out bots (if version control is enabled)
    • Schedule and deploy only on-demand bots.

*includes Automation Anywhere 10 LTS, 10 SP2, and hot fixes with these as the base version.

After you finish

Prepare the systems hosting the source and destination Control Room as a migration prerequisite.