Scan Enterprise 11 bots for Email automation with basic auth usage
- Última actualización2022/11/24
Scan Enterprise 11 bots for Email automation with basic auth usage
Microsoft has announced EOL for Basic authentication that is used to connect to Exchange Online. This will impact bots using Email automation that uses Basic authentication. Use the utility to scan bots that are using Basic authentication mode in the Email automation command, which are using IMAP, POP3, or EWS protocols.
Scan bots
You can scan all the bots and an output report is generated in CSV format for information about the bots that use Email Automation commands with line numbers.
- Bot Name
- Bot Path
- Command name-Email automation
- Actions- GetAll, DeleteAll
- Line Number
- Searched Text
- Review Required
Run the utility to scan the bots
- Download the latest version of the bot conversion utility (Bot_Conversion_Utility_v7) from the Automation Anywhere Support site: A-People home page (login required).
- Extract the files from the zip file you have downloaded and create a folder (for
example Bot conversion utility) in the installed path
Example: C: Documents\Test Data\ Bot Conversion Utility\ Bot Conversion Utility
- From the list of files in the Bot conversion utility folder, select the Scan_Bots.bat file to scan the bots.
- Edit the Scan_Bots.bat file in a notepad. The
Scan_Bots.bat file will display the following
: Path to java.exe as provided in the utility. -
: Complete path to the folder containing the bots to scan. -
: Complete path to the Bot Conversion Utility jar file. -
: Complete path to folder containing
- To scan bots that uses Email automation command, add the value
-emailScan in the Scan_Bots.bat
if %errorLevel% == 0 ( echo Success: Administrative permissions confirmed. %jrepath% -jar -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 %jarFilePath% -emailScan -folderPath %folderPath% ) else ( echo Failure: Current permissions inadequate. ) @pause
- Save the file.
- Open the Windows command prompt in administrator mode and run the
Scan_Bots.bat file to scan the bots.
A report is generated in a CSV file with details about bots after the scan is complete. You can verify the report to check if you must take any action or review any bot.