The CSV import rate configured in workload management.

Data stored as comma-separated values (CSV) files can be imported. By default, workload management is configured with a conservative CSV import rate to minimize resource utilization.

The workload management module enables users to upload Microsoft Excel and CSV files to the Control Room so that it feeds the records from the files into the bot deployments.

These records contain highly sensitive information, for example, PII, PCI, PHI, and more. This data is carefully protected by the data encryption key and is at rest in the file share and database.

For a more aggressive import strategy, configure the number of lines imported per batch and the interval between each batch.

Default CSV import rates
Number of CSV Rows Number of CSV Columns Approximate time to upload (default) Approximate time to upload (aggressive)
50,000 15 25 minutes 2 minutes
100,000 15 50 minutes 3.5 minutes
300,000 15 2.5 hours 10 minutes
1,000,000 12 8.5 hours 35 minutes
CSV import rate options
Strategy Number of lines per batch Interval between each batch
Default 1000 30 seconds
Aggressive 10,000 10 seconds

To change strategy use the following procedure:

  1. Create a file in the Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\config directory, if not already present.
  2. Add the lines:

    workOrder.execution.job.interval.seconds=<interval in seconds>

    workOrder.max.execute.lines=<number of lines per batch>