Passwords and other sensitive information such as user credentials, account number, and social security numbers included in automation tasks are encrypted and stored as credentials centrally in the Credential Vault.

All Control Room users can create credentials.

Benefits of creating credentials

Apart from providing a secure and centralized location for storing credentials, it:

  • Minimizes the possibility of credential fraud.
  • Provides an environment to enable improved security.
  • Enables businesses to adhere to processes and credential management compliance.
  • Offers increased automation opportunities with secure data or applications.

Roles permission for credential and locker management

role permissions related to credentials

Manage my credentials and lockers: By default, you (all users) can see the Credentials tab and manage your own credentials. In addition, you can interact with locker of other users, if they provide locker access permission.

Lockers overview.

My Credentials

This tab consists the list of credentials created by a user. All users have permission to see their credentials.

In case you have AAE_Locker Admin permission, then you can view credentials of all the users. In the search pane you can filter credentials according to the credential name.

The following table describes the list of items that can be viewed:

Table Item Description
Type Shows the type of credential as user-provided or standard.
Name Name of the credential.
Locker Name Name of the assigned locker for the credential.
My Access

Credential owner: Credential has been created by you.

Credential non-owner: Credential has been created by other user.

Request Status

All values provided: Value has been given.

Requests sent: Request has been sent to users to input credential value.

Credential Owner Name of the user who has created the credential.
Last Modified Date and time when the credential was last edited.
Modified By Name of the user who has modified/edited the credential.
Note: You must have the View user basic permission to view information about the user who last modified the folder.

The following describes the list of actions that can be done on individual entries in the table:

Actions Description
View View Allows you to view credential details.

.Learn more

Edit Edit Allows you to edit a credential.

Learn more

Delete Delete

Allows you to delete a credential.

  • To delete a credential, user must be a credential owner
  • To delete a credential, click Accept.

Learn more

Transfer Credential Ownership Transfer Credential Ownership

Allows you to transfer the ownership of the credential. If locker is assigned to your credential then the ownership can be transferred to any member of the locker. Else it can be transferred to any user in the system.

After the ownership is transferred to another user, the previous owner can no longer access the credentials. Also, only a Locker Admin has permission to transfer credential ownership.

Select the user and click Submit.

credential ownership transfer confirmation screen

Alternatively, you can select all credentials and perform the following table-level actions:

Table Item Description
Refresh Refresh Allows you to refresh the list of credentials.
Delete Delete Allows you to delete multiple credentials.
Customize columns Customize columns

Allows you to show or hide specific columns. By default, all the columns are displayed.

Audit Logs

Create, Update, Delete, and Transfer Credential Ownership actions are tracked in audit logs for record keeping and future use. You can refer those entries in the Audit log page.