After installing the Control Room in the cluster node, if you are adding new nodes in the cluster, you have to configure additional static IP addresses for all the nodes in the property file on each node in the cluster.


  • Ensure that you have a maintenance window, which requires complete downtime:
    • All the clients will be disconnected.
    • No schedules will run during maintenance.
    • Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client andAutomation Anywhere Control Room will not be accessible.
  • Complete the Control Room installation on any new node.


Perform the following steps on each node in the cluster:

  1. Stop the following Control Room services on the Control Room node in the listed sequence:
    1. Automation Anywhere Control Room Reverse Proxy
    2. Automation Anywhere Control Room Caching
    3. Automation Anywhere Control Room Service
    4. Automation Anywhere Elastic Search Service
    5. Automation Anywhere Bot Insight Elastic Search
  2. Locate the file in your Control Room directory.
    For example, the default location is: C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\config\
    If the file does not exist in your Control Room directory, create the file.
  3. Add the following properties and configure the primary IP addresses as static IP address for all the cluster nodes in the file.
    ignite.discovery.static.ips=<primary ip addresses>
    For example: ignite.discovery.static.ips=,
    Optionally, if the nodes have multiple IP addresses, then in addition to the above properties, add the following property and configure the specific primary IP address of each node in the cluster:
    ignite.local.static.ip=<primary ip address>
    For example: ignite.local.static.ip=
  4. Save the file.
  5. Modify the elasticsearch.yml file for the new IP address:
    1. Locate the elasticsearch.yml file in the Control Room directory.
      For example, the default location is: C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Enterprise\elasticsearch\config\elasticsearch.yml
    2. Update elastcissearch.yml with the new IP address using the following property:["ip1",”ip2”,”ip-new”]
    3. Save the elasticsearch.yml file.
  6. Start the following services on the Control Room node one by one in the listed sequence.
    Note: Wait for an interval of 40 seconds before starting the next service.
    1. Automation Anywhere Control Room Reverse Proxy
    2. Automation Anywhere Control Room Caching
    3. Automation Anywhere Control Room Messaging
    4. Automation Anywhere Control Room Service
    5. Automation Anywhere Elastic Search Service
    6. Automation Anywhere Bot Insight Elastic Search