Use the Enterprise Client to manually upload and download Task Bots, Master Bots, MetaBots, and Workflows with any related dependencies to and from the Repository.

Use the Enterprise Client Upload and Download feature to ensure that dependent Task Bots, MetaBots, IQ Bots, and related dependent files are included during run time.

From Version 11.3.4 and later, the Enterprise Client automatically downloads the latest Task Bots and associated dependencies from the Control Room when a user with Attended Bot Runner license logs in to the Enterprise Client. Additionally, the Parent Task option allows a user with Attended Bot Runner license to automatically update parent Task Bots and associated dependencies during run time. See Automatically update Task Bots

Note: When Version Control is enabled for Version 11.3 and later, automatic uploading and downloading of tasks and dependencies is available.

To access the upload or download feature select a file and right click, or select a file and click upload or download in the menu.

Use the Export to CSV option to export the dependent files list in the CSV format when you upload or download a Task Bot with dependent files to or from the Automation Anywhere Control Room repository.

Note: From Version 11.3.4, the Relative Path of the dependent files is also included in the CSV file when you use the Export to CSV option.
The following list of dependent file types are automatically included when using the Enterprise Client uploaded or downloaded feature.
ATMX - Automation Anywhere Task File PDF - Portable Document Format
BMP - Bitmap PKX - Rational XDE (IBM)
CSV - Comma Sepreated Values PNG - Portable Network Graphic
DOC - Microsoft Word Document TXT - Text
DOCX - Microsoft Word Open XML XLS - Microsoft Excel File
EXE - Executable File XLSX - Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet
JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group XML - Extensible Markup Language
MDB - Microsoft Access Database

VCS enabled upload and download

When Version Control Service (VCS) is enabled, upload or download bots and any related dependencies, such as other Task Bots, MetaBots, IQ Bots, and other related dependencies. This simplifies the process of uploading and downloading Task Bots to Control Room, eliminating the need to upload dependencies separately.

  • To upload a Master Bot, you must checkout the file.

  • All bots must have a unique name regardless of which user uploads the bot.
  • The task dependency scanner and Uploading - Pending Changes or Files works for files that are new, checked-out, and eligible for upload.
  • When VCS is enabled, you can download all the tasks and dependencies.

Upload and download failure remarks

When a bot or dependent files fails to upload or download, the Remarks column displays the reason for the failure.

Invalid file format
The file format is not supported by Automation Anywhere.
File not found
The file path to an application used in a Task Bot cannot be resolved.
Not licensed
A user without the correct role or license configuration cannot download or upload a bot with all of its related dependencies.
Password protected bot
A bot that is password protected cannot be uploaded or downloaded.
Insufficient folder privileges
When the user trying to upload or download a bot does not have the required access permissions for that particular folder.
Cyclic dependency
A potential cycle conflict exists between bots when the same files are included in dependent bots.
Variabalized path
The specified variable in the file or folder path does not match the $AAAApplicationPath$ used to select, open, or save files and folders.
Locally renamed MetaBot
When a user renames a local copy of a MetaBot and it no longer matches the name of the MetaBot used in the associated Task Bot.
File with same name already exists
When VCS is enabled and a user tries to upload a file that already exits in the repository.
File is force unlocked by server administrator
When VCS is enable, an administrator force unlocked file cannot be uploaded to the repository.