Use the Workload Management API to add or insert data for work items in an existing queue in your Control Room.


AAE_Queue Admin role
You need a user account with the AAE_Queue Admin role to query and manage workload queues and work items in an Control Room.
JSON Web Token (JWT)
All Control Room APIs require a JSON Web Token (JWT) to access the APIs. Generate an authentication token using the Enterprise 11 Authentication API.
  • End point: http://<your_control_room_url>/v2/wlm/queues/{id}/workitems
  • Method: POST


  1. Add an authentication token to the request header.
    Note: Use the Enterprise 11 Authentication API to generate a JSON Web Token.
  2. Select the POST method.
  3. In the URL, add the id for the queue you are adding the work item to.
    In this example you are adding a work item to the queue with id=7:
  4. Enter the following parameters in the request body.
    Request body:
      "workItems": [
          "json": {
               "Invoice Id": "INV909090",
        	"Customer Name": "John Doe",
        	"Amount": 100,
        	"email": "",
        	"Invoice Date": "2019-01-10T00:18:48Z"
    Response body:
      "list": [
          "id": "31363",
          "createdBy": "25",
          "createdOn": "2019-09-24T21:04:46.788Z",
          "updatedBy": "25",
          "updatedOn": "2019-09-24T21:04:46.788Z",
          "version": "0",
          "json": {
            "Invoice Id": "INV909090",
            "Customer Name": "John Doe",
            "Amount": 100,
            "email": "",
            "Invoice Date": "2019-01-10T00:18:48Z"
          "result": "",
          "deviceId": "0",
          "status": "READY_TO_RUN",
          "col1": "INV909090",
          "col2": "John Doe",
          "col3": "100.0",
          "col4": "",
          "col5": "2019-01-10T00:18:48Z",
          "deviceUserId": "0",
          "queueId": "0",
          "comment": "",
          "automationId": "0",
          "totalPausedTime": "0",
          "error": "",
          "col6": "",
          "col7": "",
          "col8": "",
          "col9": "",
          "col10": ""
    Response header:
    cache-control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate 
     connection: keep-alive 
     content-length: 819 
     content-security-policy: default-src 'self' 
     content-type: application/json 
     date: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:05:05 GMT 
     expires: 0 
     pragma: no-cache 
     x-content-type-options: nosniff 
     x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN 
     x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block