View and manage activities that are scheduled from the Scheduled Activity page. Access the Scheduled activity page by logging in to the Control Room and clicking Activity > Scheduled.


The following permissions are required for tasks such as edit, view, activate, deactivate, or delete the schedule:

  • View my scheduled bots
  • View my bots

See Enterprise 11: create a role.


  1. Schedule a bot .
  2. Apply search parameters to the Activity Name column in the search bar.
    Tip: When you specify search parameters for the same column, the system searches using the OR operator. When you specify search parameters for different columns, the system searches using the AND operator.
  3. Monitor the following in the Activity table:
    1. The schedule Type: For example, One time or Recurring.
    2. Next occurrence of the scheduled bot to run.
    3. Activity name: For example, list files in a folder, loops.
    4. Bot name: For example, monthly-payroll.atmx.
    5. Schedule description: For example, every Monday at 3 PM.
    6. Devices on which the bot will run at the scheduled time.
    7. Status of the scheduled activity: For example, active or inactive.
    8. The name of the user who last modified the activity in Modified by.
      Note: You must have the View user basic permission to view information about the user who last modified the activity.
    9. The date and time when the activity was Last modified.
  4. Perform the following table-level actions for a set of multiple activities:
    1. Refresh the Schedules page.
    2. Activate or Deactivate the schedules.
    3. Delete the schedules.
    4. Export the selected schedules to a csv file.
    5. Select the columns to show or hide in the Activity table by using Customize columns.
  5. Perform the following tasks on an individual schedule:
    1. Edit the scheduled bot.
    2. View details of the scheduled bot.
    3. Activate or Deactivate the scheduled bot.
    4. Delete the scheduled bot.