Daylight Saving Time (DST) switchover and selection of Time Zone in Schedules.

When the Daylight Saving Time (DST) switchover occurs, the clock is set forward or backward during this time interval. When DST starts, the time is set forward from 2 am to 3 am When DST ends, the clock is set back by 1 hour between 2 am and 1 am If your schedules are set to trigger during this time interval, then verify whether your schedules run as expected when the DST switchover occurs.

  • All the application servers must be in the same time zone in the distributed mode for the Control Room login to work.
  • If you have existing schedules, we recommend that you edit the time in the schedule to ensure that the schedule does not fall in between DST switchover time.
  • If you create schedules during the DST switchover, they are automatically created an hour later.

For other default schedule behavior, see table.

Schedule behavior during DST switchover

The table describes the default schedule behavior when bots are scheduled during DST switchover
Schedule type Schedule behavior
Run once The schedule will run only once. For example, if a schedule is set to run on the Daylight Savings day and falls in the switchover time say 2:30, it will run at 3:30 0nly.
Run repeatedly > Monthly The schedule will be skipped. For example, if a schedule is set to run on the Daylight Saving day and falls in the switch over time, it will not run at all. In this case, it is recommended that you either pre pone or post pone the schedule time.
Run repeatedly > Weekly The schedule will be either pushed by an hour or skipped based on the schedule day and time. For example:
  • If the first instance of the weekly schedule is set to run on the Daylight Saving day and falls in the switch over time, it will be pushed by an hour.
    Note: Here first instance refers to the first day of the Start date
  • However, if the subsequent instance of the weekly schedule is set to run on the Daylight Saving day and falls in the switch over time, it will be skipped.
Run repeatedly > Repeats Daily > Repeat every n hour or minute The schedule will be either pushed by an hour or skipped based on the schedule day and time. For example:
  • If the first instance of the daily schedule is set to run on the Daylight Saving day and falls in the switch over time, it will be pushed by an hour.
    Note: Here first instance refers to the first day of the Start date
  • However, if the subsequent instance of the daily schedule is set to run on the Daylight Saving day and falls in the switch over time, it will be skipped.