Validator enhancements
- Updated: 2022/09/21
Validator enhancements
Review the IQ Bot Validator enhancements, which are available to users with Validator access.
- You can now hide the Skip to next
file and Mark as Invalid options
using configuration settings. The options are currently enabled by default.
To enable the option to hide them, contact Automation Anywhere Support.
- You can now hide the Hide successful
fields and Hide optional fields
options using configuration settings. The options are enabled by default.
To enable the option to hide them, contact Automation Anywhere Support.
Note: Selecting the Hide successful fields and Hide optional fields check boxes hides all the valid fields and reduces the display of a large number of fields, thus making correction easier. However, if there is an invalid field, it continues to be displayed because the invalid field requires correction. - Clicking in any column field expands the column width to accommodate the text entry. The Validator shows the value of the field that is being validated, in the document.
- Draw an area around single or multiple values in the document image to automatically populate a field in the Validator. This function is similar to the Designer.
Search in Validator, by file name
As users process documents from various vendors simultaneously, IQ Bot classifies these documents into different validation groups, which makes it difficult for the user to identify and prioritize a specific document for validation.
Users with Validator access roles can see the new search box in the Validator page, and search for a specific document in the validation queue.
- Enter a specific file name or search term (from the document name) in the
search box.
IQ Bot uses the single search terms like a wildcard and retrieves a list of documents with the search word in the document name.
Note: There is a 150-character limit for entering a file name in the search box. - The Validator displays 10 search results at a time.
The search box has a search and cancel icon, and a scroll bar to view the
entire search list.Note: The search does not display locked documents in the result list.
- Clicking a search result opens the document in a new window, allowing you to return to the search list to click and open another document. You can open multiple windows simultaneously, with a different document displaying in each window.
- Search is specific to a learning instance. When you click the
Validate option for a specific learning instance,
the system searches only within that learning instance.Note: The validator restricts the use of certain characters in the search box. Using any of the following characters displays an error message: / * < > " | ? : .
- The Validator locks the document you are working on,
ensuring no one else has access to it at that time and allowing you to work
on one document at a time. If you move away from the document while working
on it, the system allows the lock to remain in place for 15 minutes before
unlocking it. Note: Validate one document at a time.
If user opens multiple documents in different tabs, the last document opened will be locked. Other documents will not be locked.