Find out how to upgrade your system from IQ Bot 5.1.x to 5.2.x.


  • Perform the followig tasks on a machine with IQ Bot 5.1.x installed.
  • Keep the PFX format certificate handy for HTTPS.
This task walks you through the steps to upgrade your IQ Bot system from 5.1.x to 5.2.x.


  1. Uninstall IQ Bot 5.1.1 from Add remove programs in the Control Room.
  2. Next, install IQ Bot 5.2.1 in custom mode.
    For an HTTPS based installation, add the PFX format certificate.
  3. Change the auto-populated load balancer port from 8100 to 3000.
  4. Complete the installation by keeping the rest of the settings as is, that get auto populated during installation.
  5. Your migration is now complete.

Next steps

Launch IQ Bot.