Import a learning instance using the Migration Utility.

Note: To import learning instance backups on an IQ Bot Version environment, the backup (.iqba) file must be exported from an IQ Bot Version environment only. Therefore, you must also upgrade your source IQ Bot environment to Version This requirement is due to changes made in database schemas and version information in the backup (.iqba) files.
Select from the various available options. Before initiating an import, backup your IQ Bot database.
Although Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) applies to the creation of new learning instances in IQ Bot Version 6.5, it does not apply to the following:
  • Keep existing learning instances from previous IQ Bot versions.
  • Import/export learning instances from one IQ Bot Version 6.5 environment to another.
As a workaround, an administrator can do the following:
  • Ensure users and roles are updated in the Automation Anywhere Control Room.
  • Manually insert a row in the projected and role columns in the database table [FileManager].[dbo].[LearningInstanceRoles].

That database table is automatically created empty during IQ Bot Version 6.5 installation.

Do the following to import learning instances using the Migration Utility feature:


  1. Copy the exported data file in the BackupData folder in the IQ Bot installation output directory to import.
  2. Click Import, and select the IQ Bot Archive (IQBA) backup data file to import.
  3. Select the required learning instance and click Import. You are asked to select from the following import options :
    Note: The Migration Utility feature in IQ Bot Version 6.5 does not work well in scenarios where learning instances exist in both the source and target systems, and new groups were added to the source system for migration. In these scenarios, the new groups are not migrated to the target system for options 1, 2, and 3 of the Migration Utility feature. Customers are required to upgrade to IQ Bot Version and above to avail these scenarios.
    Import option When to use
    Option 1: Append imported groups and trained bots to duplicate existing learning instances:
    Use when you must merge new groups and trainings (bots) in existing learning instances.
    • When you import archive (.iqba) files using append mode, a trained group in a source environment can overwrite an untrained group in the destination environment.
    • If a learning instance is edited (for example, adding new fields), it cannot be imported using the Append option.
    Option 2: Import learning instances, and ignore duplicate learning instances:

    Use when you must append only new learning instances, where the learning instance ID in the .iqba file (for example, from the Development environment) differs from the ID in the target environment (for example, Production environment). If a learning instance ID in the .iqba file is the same as an ID in the target environment, the .iqba learning instance is not appended.

    Option 3: Overwrite duplicate existing learning instances with imported learning instances:

    All groups, trainings (bots), and machine learning of existing learning instances on the destination system get replaced with the ones from source system. This does not impact the processing (dashboard data) done by those learning instances.

    This is also the only option to update an existing learning instance that was edited to include additional fields or table columns.

    Option 4: Remove all existing learning instances and replace with imported learning instances: When starting fresh and it is okay to lose all work done so far on an IQ Bot installation.
    Note: If you merge the iqba files, it does not merge the machine learning (ML) part from one learning instance to another. Instead, it keeps the ML from the existing learning instance, but not the imported learning instance.
  4. Select an import option that best meets your requirement. Click Import. You are asked to confirm the import.
  5. Click Yes Import to begin the import process. When the import finishes, you are returned to the Migration Utility home page with the list of learning instances. A successful import shows a Last Migration status COMPLETE message with the time stamp.
The imported learning instance retains its environment and that of all associated bots.