Follow these steps to uninstall Version 11.3.4.x patch.


  1. Launch the operating system Control Panel from the Start menu. Open Programs > Programs > Uninstall a program.
  2. In the left pane, click View Installed Updates.
  3. Locate and double-click the Automation Anywhere IQ Bot Version 11.3.4.x entry.
  4. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.
    The installer uninstalls the application.
  5. In the restart confirmation box, click Yes to immediately restart your system, or click No to restart later.
    Note: Restart your system after the uninstall is complete.

Next steps

If you have configured IQ Bot services to run with a service account user, uninstalling Version 11.3.4.x patch removes that setting. So the services run as a local user. After the patch uninstall is complete, and the services are reinstalled, follow the steps to re-configure each service to the appropriate account user credentials:
  1. Navigate to Start > Services.
  2. Right-click each service and select Properties > Log On > This account to change to the appropriate service account user.