To run and manage bots using the connector, you must establish a connection to the Control Room and enable variables to return data from the bot to MuleSoft and vice versa.

Verify that your device meets the following prerequisites:
  • IP address or URL to your Control Room with a secure, online internet connection
  • Control Room A2019 or Version
  • Enterprise Client Version or later
  • Control Room login information with user name and password or API Key
  • Control Room Admin account to view bots and Bot Runners
  • Bot Creator license to create bots

    Create a dedicated Bot Creator user for the connector.

  • Bot Runner license to run bots

    Create a dedicated Bot Runner user for the connector.

  • Create a MuleSoft user who will execute bots and pass data using the connector to automate their business processes.


  1. Verify communication with the Control Room by requesting a callback for 11.3.x Control Room only.
    Note: Connecting to the Control Room with the callback URL is one-time setup configuration that works for Bot Creator, Bot Runner, and Administrator user accounts.
    1. Log in as an administrator to the Control Room.
    2. Go to Administration > Settings > General.
    3. Click Control Room Database & Software.
    4. In the Callback URL field, enter in this format: http(s)://[mulesoft server]:[port]/aa-mule-connector
  2. Enable MuleSoft variables to pass input data from MuleSoft to the bot:
    1. Log in as a Bot Creator to the Control Room.
    2. Open your bot file.
    3. Select the variable you want to edit.
    4. Click Edit or right-click the variable and select Edit.
    5. In the Edit Variable window, select the Include in Input check box.
    6. Select String in the Type field.
    7. Click Close.
      Note: By default, the Include in Input setting is not enabled. You must select the check box to pass data from MuleSoft to the bot.
  3. Enable MuleSoft variables to return output data as a Bot Creator:
    1. Log in as a Bot Creator to the Control Room.
    2. Open your bot file.
    3. Select the variable you want to edit.
    4. Click Edit or right-click the variable and select Edit.
    5. In the Edit Variable window, select the Include in Output check box.
    6. Select String in the Type field.
    7. Click Close.
      Note: By default, the Include in Output setting is not enabled. You must select the check box to return data from the bot to MuleSoft.