Prerequisites for Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace

To use the Automation Anywhere Enterprise Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace add-on, ensure your systems meet the prerequisites.

Supported Automation Anywhere Enterprise versions

To use the Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace add-on, ensure the following Control Room version:
  • Automation 360

    Control Room can be a Community Edition, Cloud, or On-Premises deployment.

  • Automation Anywhere Enterprise Version or later

    Control Room can be deployed on either on-premises servers or cloud servers.

Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace is not installed on a device, therefore the Enterprise Client or Automation 360 registered device version, though it must be appropriate for the Control Room, does not affect the Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace add-on.

Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace supported browsers

Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace is installed as an add-on to a supported browser. The browser can be on any phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop on a virtual or cloud instance.

Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace is supported on the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Apple Safari

Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace is not supported on Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Bot requirements

As you log in and use your Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace add-on with Google G Suite Sheets, ensure you have the following information:

  • Google Gmail account

    This is required to log in to the Google G Suite and use the Google Sheets.

  • Control Room login information
    • IP address or URL to your Control Room with a secure, online internet connection.
    • Control Room login information with user name and password.
  • License and permissions

    Bot related tasks require users with assigned licenses and permission.

    Task License
    View bots and Bot Runners Control Room Admin account
    Create bots Bot Creator license

    Create a dedicated Bot Creator user for the add-on.

    Create users for Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace

    Run bots Bot Runner license

    Create a dedicated Bot Runner user for the add-on.

    Create users for Automation Anywhere for Google Workspace

    G Suite user access Create a G Suite user who can execute bots and pass data using the add-on to automate their business processes.

    Create a custom Google G Suite role