Example of using the Genesys update action

Build a bot that updates the details of an existing Genesys user and external contact. Use the actions from the Genesys package.


  • You should understand creating and assigning variables used to save output and input data.
  • In general, you should be familiar with finding and using individual IDs for users and contacts.
    Note: To search for and find IDs, you can use the List/Search users and List/Search contacts actions.
Update the details about a user and an external contact:
  • A user that was part-time has changed to full-time and moved teams, requiring an update to the user's manager and email details.
  • An external contact has moved and changed contact information.
Automate these tasks with the following demonstrated actions.


To begin, start a new bot flow and authenticate the session.

  1. Open a new bot.
    1. On the left panel, click Automation > Create a bot.
    2. Enter the bot name UpdatingBot and the folder location.
    3. Click Create and Edit.
  2. Authenticate with Genesys.
    1. Double-click or drag the Genesys > OAuth authenticate action into the flow.
    2. Enter the URL for Genesys cloud environment.
    3. In Client ID, enter the credential required to access the environment.
    4. Enter the secret code for the OAuth client used in credential grants for the Client secret.
    5. Enter the Session name for your changes to the repository.

Now, update the details of the user.

  1. Double-click or drag the Genesys > User > Update user action into the flow.
    1. Enter the Internal user ID of the user.
    2. Enter the Email (login ID).
    3. Enter the Manager.
    4. Enter the Employee type.
      This completes the update to the user record with details about their new position. The other fields can be left blank to retain original values.

Next, update the details of the external contact and save the bot.

  1. Double-click or drag the Genesys > External contact > Update contact action into the step.
    1. Enter the Internal user ID of the contact that you want to update.
    2. Enter the Work phone.
    3. Enter the Address.
    4. Enter the City.
    5. Enter the Postal code.
      This completes the update to the contact record with new contact details. The other fields can be left blank to retain original values.
  2. Save your changes to the bot.