- Zuletzt aktualisiert2021/11/05
The Bots page of the IQ Bot Portal lists all available bots for a learning instance, and enables you to perform tasks such as run, change the status, or launch the IQ Bot Designer.
Create a bot to extract text from a document. Define the field labels and values in a document so that the system can learn from it and automatically process other documents in the document group..
Monitor the progress and status of all bots created for a learning instance and set the status from Staging to the Production environment.
- To view the updated document and field accuracy, refresh the Bots page and click the bot name. The updated document and field accuracy appear in the details area.
- You cannot edit a bot that another user is already editing.
Bot states
The status of a bot is dependent on the state of the learning instance as well as the bot. The table below shows the relationship between learning instance state, bot state, and bot status.
Learning Instance State | Bot State | Bot Status |
Staging | Staging | Training |
Staging | Production | Ready |
Production | Staging | Training |
Production | Production | Active |
Created | Not created | No listing |
Delete a bot
- Clicking the Delete bot button displays a message asking if you want to delete the Bot. Selecting yes displays a success message in the Learning Instance details page. The Summary tab shows the updated information in the Staging and Production results sections for the Groups found and Bots created fields.
- You can delete a Bot in Staging only. Once deleted, the Bot does not display in the Learning Instance details page or
the Bot listing page.
- All associated staging documents are removed from the system.
- All associated unprocessed production documents get moved to the Validator for processing.
Note: A new Bot is created when the same documents are uploaded again to Staging or Production. - On re-uploading the deleted documents from the learning instance, the system classifies the documents and displays the groups again with the Create Bot option for each group. Clicking the Create Bot option creates the Bot and you can see it in the Create Bot details page.
- In case of backend exceptions, such as disruption of Services, the system does not let you delete the Bot . Instead, it displays an error message saying that an unexpected error has occurred.
Control creation of groups in IQ Bot
Use the new feature to limit creating groups in IQ Bot. A Bot Creator can now configure a threshold defining when a group for a specific document type should be created, thus saving time. New documents uploaded to a learning instance (in production) are sent directly to the Validator, instead of creating a new group when the threshold is not met. This enables the user to prioritize training a new document type, based on its frequency of occurrence in production.
- Go to the Learning Instances tab, select a learning
instance, and click Edit.
The New groups creation setting section is shown in the edit page.
- Select any of the following to control the creation of groups:
Option Description Select the Never create new groups check box No new groups are created, irrespective of the number of document uploads. The uploaded documents are sent directly to the Validator. - This check box is deselected by default.
- When this option is selected, the Threshold to create new groups field is disabled.
- You can create new groups manually by uploading them to the learning instance in staging.
Set a value for the Threshold to create new groups field When you set a threshold value, IQ Bot does not create a group for the uploaded documents till it reaches the defined value. Till the set threshold value is reached, all documents are sent to the Validator. - By default, the value is set to 10 for all new learning instances.
- You can set a value of up to 10 digits.
- IQ Bot does not allow you to enter non-numerical characters, zero, or floating points.
- Save your updates, which are then reflected in the
Summary tab.Note: The Summary tab displays all the staging and production details. The information is updated based on any applied setting in the New groups creation setting section.
For new learning instances, unless you set the minimum threshold in the New groups creation setting section, IQ Bot applies the default set value of 10 and does not create groups for the first 9 uploaded documents.
- For existing learning instances, you can set the minimum threshold in the
All existing learning instances, even after upgrade, will continue with a threshold as 1.
All changes take effect only on the documents uploaded in production after the setting is edited. If you change the setting to a new threshold or never create new groups with an existing learning instance, this check will be performed only on the next document uploaded in production.
page. The new threshold is applied to all documents from then
In the production environment, all classified documents that do not belong to any group and do not meet the minimum threshold requirement are sent to the Validator. You can update the values and make necessary corrections. However, all fields are optional and are text data type. The user can Save current document without making any corrections, or choose the Mark as Invalid option.