IQ Bot 11.x: Map a table
- Zuletzt aktualisiert2022/08/30
IQ Bot 11.x: Map a table
In the Designer, move one or more table fields from one table to another to train extraction, see multiple tables and their extracted values to validate extraction, and add new tables.
- Click Add table/section in the left panel and assign a name for the table in the middle panel.
- Expand Move fields in the middle panel, and select the field labels you want to move to other tables.
- Click the down arrow, and begin mapping the table fields.
- Select the table field in the left panel and to begin mapping them using any of
the following options:
- Option 1: Click the column name field in the middle panel and select from available drop-down options.
- Option 2: Click the column name field in the middle panel and select the column value from the document view in the right panel.
- Place your cursor in the Column value field in the middle panel and then click the value in the document view to populate the field.
- Alternatively, use the draw icon to select the value from the document in the right panel.
- In the Data type section, select the data type value of the column from the drop-down list.
- Next, select Column options in the middle panel and choose Required or Optional. Use the optional value if the column value is not consistently available in the training documents.
- Use the Validate pattern section to specify the following
- Starts With
- Ends With
- Pattern
- List
- Map values for the other table fields using the same steps.
Once you complete mapping the table columns, the selected SIR region in the document gets highlighted in yellow for easy identification. After mapping the table columns, assign the Best field for table/repeated section and Best field for table/repeated section for the table.
Best field for table/repeated section (Reference Column)
The Best field for table/repeated section is auto detected and can be viewed in the inspection panel (right panel) of the Designer window. Ensure the Best field for table/repeated section does not contain multiple lines, or is empty.
Other columns are extracted in reference to this column. If the Best field for table/repeated section has five rows, then the user can expect a maximum of five rows to be extracted from the other columns.
End of table/section indicator
The End of table indicator is the end-point of a table. Enter name of the first field that appears where a table ends. For example, Total, Grand Total etc.
The End of table/section indicator helps create a bot in an accurate and efficient way, and is optional. This functionality lets you create and train more bots without worrying about assigning an end of table indicator.
Complete Table/section name and Best field for table/repeated section in the left and middle panels to set the green check mark for the Table Settings section.
Best field for table/repeated section and End of table/section indicator
- In the left panel, select the table for which you want to assign the Best field for table/repeated section and End of table/section indicator .
- The middle panel gets updated with the details related to the table.
- Select the Best field for table/repeated section from
the drop-down list of defined table columns. Note: It is mandatory to define a Best field for table/repeated section for a table. If you do not define one, a warning icon displays next to the document group.
- To enter the End of table/section indicator value, add the first field that appears after a table, as the footer value. Use the pipe symbol to add multiple values to the End of table/section indicator .
- Go to Advance table options and select the Stop extraction at end of table indicator option to stop data extraction when an end of table indicator value is found.
- Click Save to confirm the values.
For tables that span across pages but do not have column headers on every page, IQ Bot might skip extracting rows from the pages without column headers. To prevent this, you must accurately select the End of table indicator/section. However, this approach does not work with advanced table mapping.
For additional information, see How to map tables in IQ Bot (A-People login required)