Verify if IQ Bot is installed, and ensure the IQ Bot services are running using the healthcheck APIs.

Automation Anywhere IQ Bot

Ensure that the Automation Anywhere IQ Bot item exists in Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features of the machine where IQ Bot is installed.

Confirming Automation Anywhere cognitive services are running

Ensure that the following services are installed on the machine where IQ Bot is installed and the status of the services is set to Running on the Microsoft Windows services window.

To see the list of services that are currently running, open services.msc using Start > Run.

  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Alias
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Application
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Classifier Service
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive File Manager
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Console
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Gateway
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive MLScheduler Service
    Note: As of the latest build in IQ Bot, this service is removed, by default.
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive MLWeb Service
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Projects
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Report
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Validator
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive Visionbot Manager
  • Automation Anywhere Cognitive VisionbotEngine Service

Doing a healthcheck

If needed, use the Healthcheck API to verify about the required service. The request/response details of the Healthcheck API are described in the following table.


The following table lists the API requests sent for doing a healthcheck of different IQ Botservices:

Service name URL
Alias http://<hostname/IP>:9997/healthcheck
Application Service http://<hostname/IP>:9002/healthcheck
Project Service http://<hostname/IP>:9999/healthcheck
FileManager Service http://<hostname/IP>:9996/healthcheck
Visionbot http://<hostname/IP>: 9998/healthcheck
Validator Service http://<hostname/IP>:9995/healthcheck
Report Service http://<hostname/IP>:9992/healthcheck
Gateway Service http://<hostname/IP>:8100/healthcheck
Frontend or Console Service http://<hostname/IP>:3000/healthcheck

In the table listing, replace <hostname/IP> with the host name/IP address of IQ Bot to create the Healthcheck API request using a web browser on the machine on which IQ Bot is installed.

For example, if your IQ Bot is accessible at http://localhost:3000, the FileManager Healthcheck can be accessed using this URL: http://localhost:9996/healthcheck.


A typical successful response is in the following code example:


Application: <Service Name>

Status: OK

Application uptime: 0d 3h 45m 6s

Version: 1.2.0-RELEASE

Branch: RC-5.2-1

GIT #: d88e59c0435c3a836bb47cd586081205564904c5

Build Time: 2018-02-17T09:26:52.523Z


Database Connectivity: OK

MessageQueue Connectivity: OK

Project: OK

VisionBot: OK

**<Service Name> could be alias, application, filemanager, project, reports, gateway, validator, or visionbot.

Dependencies: lists the status of all the dependent services, for example, database and message queue of probed service.

Checking created databases and tables

Learn which databases and tables are created after installation of IQ Bot.

Log in to the database using the <dbusername> and <dbpasswd> to verify the names of the databases and tables using <hostname>, <dbusername>, and <dbpasswd>.

The system creates the following databases:

  • AliasData: This is the master database that stores data about different aliases related to a field in the system for different document types. This database also has the information about the languages and different document types supported by the IQ Bot system.
  • ClassifierData: This database has the data related to classification output for both layout and content classification.
  • Configurations: This database stores data about the configurations used when installing IQ Bot, for example, Control Room URL, output path, and so on.
  • FileManager: This database stores data related to learning instances, files uploaded related to learning instances, and vision bots.
  • MLData: This database stores the training data used by a Machine Learning (ML) system in IQ Bot.