Export/Import learning instances within IQ Bot 5.3.x, and later versions
- Zuletzt aktualisiert2021/11/05
Export/Import learning instances within IQ Bot 5.3.x, and later versions
Find out how to migrate learning instances within different installations of IQ Bot 5.3, Version 6.0, and Version 6.5.x and above.
- IQ Bot Version 6.5.x and above uses unique delimiters "-">: for group of checkboxes and ":" for linked tables: "Gender_ID->Female" and "Patient_Table->Services.
- IQ Bot Version 5.3.1 uses non-unique delimiters: Gender_ID_Female and Patient_Table_Services, which is harder to split.
That difference between Version 6.5.x and above and 5.3.1. will create field name conflicts, unless the Validator queue in Version 5.3.1 is cleared. Version 6.5.x and above supports IQ Bot and RPA process better.
Control Room supports migration of IQ Bot from 5.3.x to Version 6.5 and later.
- Role-based access control (RBAC) is not migrated when learning instances are migrated using the migration utility. For more information on using RBAC with IQ Bot, see Define access to learning instances using custom roles.
- The Migration utility of IQ Bot does not support any manual changes to the database and the IQBA file. After migration, you get only staging data.
- Copy the exported data file in the BackupData folder within the output directory of the IQ Bot installation, where you want to import the learning instances.
- Click Import and select the IQBA backup data file to import.
Select the required learning instance and click Import.
Select one of the import option from the list of import
Option Description Option 1: Append imported groups and trained bots to duplicate existing learning instances - Merges new groups and trainings bots in existing learning instances.
- Appends any new learning instances found in import data file.
- Retains validator learning of existing learning instances.
Note: During import with this option, an existing group without a bot gets a bot if it is available in the import data file.When to use:
When you want to append newer groups and training bots to an existing learning instance of an IQ Bot installation, without impacting the processing (dashboard data) done by that learning instance.
Option 2: Import learning instances, ignoring duplicate existing learning instances Appends only new learning instances. When to use:
When you want to import only new learning instances and or bots on an IQ Bot installation keeping the existing learning instances intact.
Option 3: Overwrite duplicate existing learning instances with imported learning instances - Overwrites existing learning instances including all groups and training of bots.
- Appends any new learning instances found in import data file.
- Replaces validator learning of existing learning instances.
- During import with this option, if any new group is found, it is retained to preserve the associated documents.
When to use:- When you want to replace all groups, trainings bots and learnings of an existing learning instance of an IQ Bot installation without impacting the processing (dashboard data) done by that learning instance.
- This is also the only option to update an existing learning instance which has been edited to include additional fields/table column.
Option 4: Remove all existing learning instances and replace with imported learning instances Deletes all existing learning instances before importing the new instances. When to use:
When you want to start afresh and do not mind losing all the work done so far on an IQ Bot installation.
- Select an import option that you need. Click Import. A confirmation is requested to confirm the import.
- Click on Yes, import to begin the import process.
- Once import completes, the migration utility home page is displayed with the list of imported learning instances.
- If import is successful, Last Migration status is shown as COMPLETE along with the timestamp.
- If the import fails, Last Migration status is shown as
FAILED along with the timestamp.
The imported learning instance retains its environment state and the state of all the associated bots.