Creating a subintegration (LaunchA360Bot.json)
- Updated: 2022/05/26
Creating a subintegration (LaunchA360Bot.json
As you build a subintegration, ensure that the bot that you are trying to deploy is already available in the Control Room.
The examples and graphics provided on this page are for representation purposes only and may not accurately reflect your specific instance. We do not assume responsibility for their maintenance or accuracy.
Perform the following steps to build a subintegration:
- Go to Apigee UI and sign in.
- Select your organization using the drop-down menu in the top-left corner of the UI.
- To view a list of available integrations, click .
- Select an existing integration or click CREATE NEW.
- Provide the following information:
- Integration name: Enter a name, for example, launch-bot.
- (Optional) Description: Provide a description, for example, "Deploys an Automation 360 bot for processing files.
- Region: Select a region from the list, for example, US.
- Click Create.
The Integration Editor appears.
- In the Integration Editor, add a trigger to the designer by
performing the following actions:
- Click + Add a task/trigger.
- Select
- Place the trigger on the designer by clicking in an appropriate
location.The trigger ID is generated automatically based on the integration name. The API trigger allows integration authors to test an integration through an API call. This trigger is useful when you want to test your integration from your application code.
- In the Integration Editor, add a Data
Mapping task to the designer by performing the following actions:
- Click + Add a task/trigger.
- Select .
- Place the data mapping on the designer by clicking in an appropriate location.
- Click the Data Mapping element on the designer to open the Data Mapping configuration pane.
- Click Open Data Mapping Editor. The Data Mapping Editor lets you to perform variable assignments in your integration. The variables can be integration variables or task variables. The Data Mapping task allows integration authors to transform and assign data to variables between tasks in an integration. Variables are created using the VAR option in the palette.
- Create input and output variables based on the following list. Input variables are
variables passed to integration runners. Specify a literal value or select a
reference variable. To add an input variable to the data mapping, click and drag a
variable from the list of available variables in the adjacent
Variables column. Click Add + to
configure a new variable.For this sample, create seven input variables of string datatype as inputs for the integration:
- input-ControlRoomUrl
- input-Username
- input-ApiKey
- input-BotId
- input-RunAsUserId
- input-PoolId
- input-BotInputVariables
Create one output variable as the output of the integration:- output-deploymentId
After the variables are created, close the data mapping editor.
- In the integration designer, add an element to make a call to the Automation 360
Control Room authentication API by performing the following
- Click + Add a task/trigger.
- Select
- Place the data mapping on the designer by clicking in an appropriate location to view the Call REST Endpoint task configuration pane.
- Map the following fields with the variables defined in the previous step.
- Map the Endpoint base URL field to the authAPIUrl variable.
- Map the Request body field to the
authRequestBody variable.
- Add a data mapping task to the designer to extract the token from the previous step.
Perform JSON to string operations as shown and save it to a variable.
- Make the call to the Automation 360
Control Room bot deploy API.Add a new task Call Rest Endpoint to the designer and configure the endpoint URL and http POST method on the pane on the right side. Also update the request body with the correct credential.
- Add a data mapping task to extract the bot deployment ID from the
previous step. Extract the deployment ID, and save it to a variable.A completed integration looks as follows: