User roles and permissions

Learn about the roles and associated permissions required for each IQ Bot user.

Your permission to access specific areas in IQ Bot are defined depending on your user role. For example, a Validator does not have permissions to access the Audit Trial Log page because the tasks on this page are only for Administrators.

All the roles and permissions for the IQ Bot are defined in the Control Room. For more information on creating these roles, see Control Room User Guide.

In the Control Room, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is implemented for only the following options:
  • Navigate to Administration > Roles, and select View IQ Bot > View learning instances > View learning instances from the same role.
  • Navigate to Administration > Roles, and select View IQ Bot > View learning instances > View ALL learning instances.

When you enable Role-based access control caching, the cache in the Enterprise Client is active for 15 mins. Therefore, any change in user roles in the Control Room is reflected after 15 minutes.

The permissions and areas of IQ Bot that can be accessed by users based on their roles are described in the following table:

Table 1. Roles and permissions for IQ Bot The following table describes the different IQ Bot system defined roles and the associated permissions:
System role Default IQ Botpermissions Access to tabs
AAE_IQ Bot Admin All IQ Bot permissions
  • Dashboard
  • Learning Instances
  • Bots
  • Domains
  • Administration Migration utility can be accessed using this tab.
AAE_IQ Bot Services All permissions available as per View my learning instances
  • Dashboard
  • Learning instances
  • Bots
AAE_IQ Bot Validator Launch Validator permission available as per View my learning instances Learning instances

If both Services and Admin roles are allocated to a user, IQ Bot shows the following five tabs:

  • Dashboard
  • Learning Instances
  • Bots
  • Domains
  • Administration

To learn how to use custom roles, see Define access to learning instances using custom roles.

Next steps

For IQ Bot create Bot Runner and Bot Creator users. See Bot Runners and Bot Creators - overview topic for more information.