Uninstall and install a later version to upgrade IQ Bot. Uninstall and
install an earlier version of IQ Bot to downgrade.
To upgrade or downgrade IQ Bot, perform the following procedure.
Upgrading IQ Bot
Create a new folder in any location and take a backup of the
Settings.txt and both or either of the .json files
ImageProcessingConfig.json or
AbbyyImagePreProcessingSettings.json for your
reference from the <Installation Path/Configuration> folder to
this new folder.
Take a backup of the existing IQ Bot databases before
starting the upgrade.
Follow the uninstall process.
Copy a later version of IQ Bot installable file from
<path of the installable file> to your local system.
Follow the installation process.
- Refer to the settings from the Settings.txt and both
or either of the .json files
ImageProcessingConfig.json or
enter the configuration values when you are installing an
earlier version of the product.
- Back up your database to restore it in case any issue occurs
in future or in case you downgrade to an earlier version of
IQ Bot.
Upgrading IQ Bot
Upgrading Automation 360 IQ Bot
Downgrading IQ Bot
Create a new folder in any location and take a backup of the
Settings.txt and both or either of the .json files
ImageProcessingConfig.json or
AbbyyImagePreProcessingSettings.json for your
reference from the <Installation Path/Configuration> folder to
this new folder.
Uninstall the later version of IQ Bot.
Take a backup of the current databases.
Remove the backup of the current databases.
Restore the database backup of the earlier IQ Bot
Install the earlier version of IQ Bot.
- Refer to the settings from the Settings.txt and both
or either of the .json files
ImageProcessingConfig.json or
enter the configuration values when you are installing an
earlier version of the product.
- Back up your database to restore it in case any issue occurs
in future or in case you upgrade to a different version of
IQ Bot.