Find the status of the IQ Bot services using the healthcheck.

Performing a Health Check

If needed, use the Healthcheck API to perform a detailed verification on the desired service. The request/response details of the Healthcheck API are as follows:


The following table lists the API requests sent for performing healthcheck of the different IQ Bot services:

Service Name URL
Alias http://<hostname/IP>:9997/healthcheck
Application service http://<hostname/IP>:9002/healthcheck
Project service http://<hostname/IP>:9999/healthcheck
FileManager service http://<hostname/IP>:9996/healthcheck
Visionbot http://<hostname/IP>: 9998/healthcheck
Validator service http://<hostname/IP>:9995/healthcheck
Report service http://<hostname/IP>:9992/healthcheck
Gateway service http://<hostname/IP>:8100 /healthcheck
Frontend or Console service http://<hostname/IP>:3000 /healthcheck
RabbitMQ <RabbitMQ installation directory>\sbin\rabbitmqctl.bat status

In the table listing, simply replace <hostname/IP> with the IQ Bot Host name or IP address to create the Healthcheck API request using a web browser on the machine on which IQ Bot is installed.

For example, if your IQ Bot is accessible at http://localhost:3000, the FileManager Healthcheck can be accessed using the URL http://localhost:9996/healthcheck.