Find out how to upgrade your system from IQ Bot 5.3.x to 6.0.x


Perform these steps on a machine with IQ Bot 5.3.x installed.

Note: keep the PFX format certificate handy for HTTPS.
After upgrading from previous IQ Bot version to the current version, if you are using an existing Task Bot to read the output CSVs, change the encoding in the Read from CSV command to UTF-8. In IQ Bot 5.3.x, the output format has been updated to enable RPA task to read UTF-8 characters.

Read from CSV/Text file

If you configure IQ Bot with Load Balancer, ensure you are logged onto the Automation Anywhere cognitive projects service as an administrator to enable access to all nodes for migration utility.


  1. Uninstall IQ Bot 5.3.x from Add remove programs in the Control Room.
  2. Uninstall RabbitMQ and Erlang.
  3. Next, install IQ Bot 5.3.x in custom mode.
    For an HTTPS based installation, add the PFX format certificate.
  4. Change the load balancer port from 8100 to 3000. The default port number is selected from the previous screen.
    If you have installed an external load balancer, change the port number.
  5. Complete the installation by retaining the rest of the settings, as they get auto populated during installation.
  6. Your migration is now complete.

Next steps

Launch IQ Bot.