Create a learning instance to upload and train sample documents. After training is complete, send the learning instance to production and use it to run on actual documents to extract data. View a summary of all learning instances and their details in a table on the My Learning Instances window.

Learning instances is an environment in which a user can upload documents and do specific tasks in two phases:
  • Training:

    In the training phase, create, edit, and test bots on sample documents that represent a larger volume of documents you can process in the production stage.

  • Production:

    In the production phase, a user can upload new documents to IQ Bot for automatic processing by the bots. A user can manually view and edit any documents the system flags with errors.

If a learning instance is in the staging environment, the details of the training are shown. If a learning instance is in the production environment, the details from the production environment are shown.

When you log in to IQ Bot for the first time, the No current learning instances message appears. Click the Create One Now button to create your first learning instance.

Click any learning instance to view a summary of all learning instances and their details in the Summary tab. The Document Groups tab shows every group the documents are categorized into.

Document Groups tab

The Document Groups tab shows a list of the document classification groups for the learning instance in a table.

When a user creates a learning instance and uploads documents to train, documents are automatically categorized in the same document group based on their content and classified accordingly. These are termed as classification groups. A bot is more likely to succeed extracting text across documents in a group with similar content.

Type in the description for the document group in the Description column. You can use all the special characters, except #. You can enter a maximum of 30 characters to add the group description. Click on the description text to edit the group description. Refresh the Bots tab to update the document description. The description tab is disabled, when the bot is in production mode.

In some situations, a document in production could lead to a new document group that has no documents from staging. This happens if you set the Copy Production Files property to false, when creating a bot. If you create a new bot with the Copy Production Files property set to false, the following message appears:

There are no training documents available for this Bot. Upload some training documents for the associated learning instance and try again.

Set the Copy Production Files property to true, so that the documents are automatically copied to the staging environment.

Summary tab

To view the summary of a learning instance, click the name of a learning instance from the Instances table. The learning instance area shows the name of the learning instance with a label showing its current environment.